Scientist Denis Rancourt returns to discuss his new paper which demonstrates that a pandemic did not occur. Whereas in some countries there was little to no excess mortality, in others like the USA, the 1 million excess deaths can be attributed directly to the government health measures and pandemic-response policies. He sees no evidence for a virulent respiratory disease. The U.S. is decoupling from China with whom it is in an economic war. As a result, there’s going to be huge inflation which will wipe out the savings of ordinary people. He sees “COVID19” as being war measures applied to completely control domestic populations in the shadow of the U.S.-China geopolitical and geoeconomic conflict that will last at least a decade and even risk hot war. A totalitarian system is being put into place to get rid of democracy, and it has the potential to last a really long time. All countries must apply these measures in the context of this global war to ensure stability against unrest among their own populations. He thinks Western elites want an e-currency that will take over the world and gobble up any completing digital currencies, and which also cannot be circumvented. We also discuss resistance and non-compliance.

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Show Notes

Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data

Denis Rancourt: “Pandemic” Being Used to Accelerate US-led Globalization vs Sovereign Eurasia



Denis Rancourt


Ontario Civil Liberties Assocation

Denis Rancourt @ ResearchGate

Activist Teacher



Geopolitics & Empire:

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast is joined by returning guest, scientist, social theorist and researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, the controversial, dare we say, Dr. Denis Rancourt. Denis, how are things in the Canadian Fourth Reich?

Denis Rancourt:

I didn’t know I was controversial. I guess it depends who you talk to, who I’m controversial with. But anyway, it’s a pleasure to be here again for this second time, I think on your show and I’m ready to go at it, everything about what’s happening in Canada, all the way into geopolitics, for sure.

Geopolitics & Empire:

All right. Yeah, we first spoke almost a year ago. I think in February of 2021. We discussed what I’ll call the “Crown Ailment” and the bigger context and picture of what’s really going on. And we based that discussion on your excellent 2019 report on geo-economics, geopolitics and predatory globalization, which amazingly was prescient and foresaw back in 2019, many of the political and economic aspects of what began to occur in 2020 after a pandemic was declared.

You’ve got a new report or study published a few months ago on what you determine is the true nature of the public health disaster, at least in the US. And your conclusions further confirm what we were discussing last time that there is no pandemic. And it’s a hard pill to swallow, but I think that’s where we’re at. And the more I think about it, the more this seems to me to be the case.

I’m just not seeing it anywhere. It’s as if one day out of the blue, all of a sudden governments arbitrarily have declared we must all wear masks, bathe in poisonous gel, take our temperature and use a digital yellow star passport for no reason. And by all measures, it just doesn’t seem to qualify as a pandemic. And as you detail in your report,2 the mortality numbers are not there. We have misdiagnosis, widely used government protocols that are probably the true culprits killing people and I’m seeing more and doctors say this.

And the government imposed psychological stress, you talk about, the mass injection into people of these questionable fluids and so forth. And so we’re continuing the conversation to get an up to date perspective from you of where your mind’s at. And we can start, I guess, to touch on the health aspect, and then we can get into the geopolitical. So it’s 2022, what is the true nature of this fake pandemic, Dr. Rancourt?

Denis Rancourt:

Okay. Well, the national jurisdiction where it is easiest to study the COVID crisis is the United States and that’s for a couple of reasons. One is they have very good data. You can get all-cause mortality data in detail as a function of time, by state, by jurisdiction, by age group, et cetera; when people died, how old they were and so on, when and where. So they have very good data and they put it out fairly quickly.

And it’s a big place. You’ve got 50 states that you can study individually. So you can compare 50 different jurisdictions that are almost like countries in their own right. So when you’re looking for correlations, you’ve got 50 points on the graph of the differences from state to state. When you’re comparing, you’re looking for correlations between mortality, excess mortalities, for example, and some characteristic of the state, whether it’s poverty or something else, and so on.

So the United States is an excellent place. The other reason it’s a good place to do this kind of study is because there are an enormous amount of excess deaths in the US, unlike any other Western country, really. So when we quantify it, we find that there were over a million extra deaths in the United States compared to the historic trend of before the pandemic was announced.[1] So there’s over a million deaths that you’re working with that are clearly above the historic trend. That’s a massive amount.

And for example, in Canada, the number of excess deaths above the historic trend is zero, statistically zero. There is no difference in all-cause mortality integrated by year, by calendar year, by cycle year, however way you want to measure it. There’s no difference compared to the historic trend, nothing statistically significant whatsoever. So if a virulent pathogen occurred in the US and killed a million people, how did it not cross the border into Canada? What the heck is going on?

And the answer when we look in detail is there was no special virulent pathogen that we can see the effect of that spreads like a viral respiratory disease. There was no such thing. What we see instead is we see jurisdictions very localized that had a large number of extra deaths and everywhere where we see it at the time where we see it, it’s in direct response to something really stupid and criminal that the government did, or the way that the medical establishment responded to something.

So all the deaths in my view, when I look at all-cause mortality in detail of all the Western countries, every province in Canada, every state in the United States, I can say that I cannot understand the excess mortality except to say that they were due to the way that the medical establishment responded and that includes refusing treatment, and the way that the government locked down and destroyed the economy and people’s lives and isolated people and caused enormous individual stress and social isolation. Those were the factors that killed people and a large number in the United States.

Geopolitics & Empire:

And what about the rest of the world? I’m assuming that we can just take that and just apply it to pretty much every country where we have maybe other countries, apart from-

Denis Rancourt:

Yeah, like I said, Canada is an example where there’s absolutely no statistical increase, even though there was all the same crazy, nonsensical government response and media talk and everything. And if you look at Europe, most Western European countries are the same, there’s statistically no increase in mortality. The places that have significant increase in morality compared to the historic trend, are former Eastern Bloc European countries. So for example, Ukraine has a big excess, and so on.

Now, if you look at in more detail and really finely, you can find, of course there are anomalies. A lot of Western countries had a very sharp peak of all-cause mortality right after the pandemic was announced. But we know that that was from the horrid measures that they imposed immediately, where they took the sickest people from ICU units and hospitals and everything to free up the beds and sent them into care homes, elderly people, and locked them into those care homes. So this was a murderous practice and every jurisdiction that did that aggressively had a large, immediate response peak in the mortality. So they accelerated the death of elderly people.

And we know that they accelerated those deaths because we can see that for that age group, after that couple of months, the deaths come back down to normal and go sub historic trend for that age group. That’s called the dry tinder effect. So we know that they accelerated the mortality for a couple of months, right after the pandemic [was announced]. And then once they had killed off the most fragile, there were less deaths in that age group than there would have been otherwise from the historic trend.

So there’s all kinds of features like that, that you can see in the excess mortality. France had a peak like that, the UK. Canada had its own peak, especially in Quebec of that nature, even though integrated over a year, there’s not statistically more deaths. But they still killed elderly people, accelerated their deaths by those measures. So there’s all kinds of details like that in the all-cause mortality.

So basically, if you want to know if something has happened, that has caused an enormous amount of deaths suddenly in a causal fashion, the most reliable data is all-cause mortality, because you have it on a fine time scale. You can do it by day, if you want. And you’ve got enough resolution there that you can start to figure out what happened. And so when we use that data to the best of our ability, I do not see any evidence that there was a virulent viral respiratory disease on the planet that came on and did things.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Yeah. And I was the first interview of the BioWeapons Act author, Dr. Francis Boyle in 2020, January. And I’ve moved away from the bio-weapons angle. Even though they do the gain of function and all of that stuff, I’m just thinking that this was just a giant false flag and it was for economic and political purposes that-

Denis Rancourt:

But why would you call it a false flag? I mean, it was a campaign that was orchestrated and planned, massively coordinated across the world, especially the Western world and it was done for reasons. But a false flag is when you want someone to be blamed for something they didn’t do, right? And so I don’t see it as a false flag. I wouldn’t use that term, but it’s definitely a campaign. Sorry, that triggered me, the false flag thing.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Yeah. I mean, my definition is more, it’s like they tell us it’s for this reason, but in reality it’s really about something else, and in that sense. And just for you to sum up, because I want to get into the geopolitical and I don’t want to dwell too much on the health stuff because people can read your report. Can you just conclude that it’s really not about health what has gone on with the pandemic?

Denis Rancourt:

Well, it’s about health in that many people are dying. It’s about health in the sense that they definitely killed people and are killing people and there’s no doubt about that. Just recently, this is not published yet, but I was looking at the detailed all-cause mortality for Ontario, the province where I live in Canada. And what we see is that in the second half of May, they stopped the lockdown and they freed up society, restaurants and bars opened up and we were going back to normal, and so on. And there’s a drop in all-cause mortality coincident with exactly that definitive change in government measures. First time I’ve ever seen that, a very clear drop in all-cause mortality in the province of Ontario where they did that. So there is no doubt that there’s hard evidence that the measures were killing people.

Now in the United States, the big paper you’re referring to, which is on my website, the people who died in this way, it’s strongly correlated with poverty of the state and obesity, the average obesity rate in the state, and therefore it’s related to diabetes and so on. And the big killer is certainly bacterial pneumonia. And the CDC admits that bacterial pneumonia is omnipresent almost whenever they have a death associated with COVID-19. So there was a very real epidemic of bacterial pneumonia in the United States, 10 times more than you normally would have at the same time where the medical establishment was recommending to MDs not to prescribe antibiotics, and most MDs were refusing in telemedicine to prescribe antibiotics.

So it’s the poor, elderly, obese in the states that have low life expectancy, those were the people that died, clearly, and the mechanism was bacterial pneumonia to a large extent. And that mechanism is known to be very sensitive to stress and to social isolation because your immune system gets depressed by those things. So there’s a detailed explanation, maps of where these deaths occurred and everything in our latest paper that came out a couple months ago.2 It’s 170 pages full of graphs and data and everything and we explain in detail what happened there. And I think that it’s the most comprehensive study of the health aspects of this COVID crisis, if you like.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Have you gotten critics or skeptics who maybe question your research or wonder if you might be wrong in your calculations? Have you gotten people talking to you-

Denis Rancourt:

I mean, I would love for people to want to debate me about the data and everything. I mean, it can’t be wrong. It’s robust all-cause mortality studied as a function of time and jurisdiction and by age group. So it can’t be wrong. You either have a peak there or you don’t. And you can integrate the magnitude of that peak and you can look at what the historic trend is and you can see where it occurs and where it doesn’t occur. So you can’t be wrong. It’s not like I’m looking under the microscope and seeing the wrong thing. You know what I mean? It’s not like I have to interpret, oh, is that a virus, or is it a vesicle, or is it an artifact in my microscope? No, no, I don’t have to interpret anything. I’ve got hard data and I’m looking at it in detail using accepted statistical methods and this is what I can tell you what I see and what I don’t see. And so I can’t be wrong, I don’t think.

Geopolitics & Empire:

All right. Well, let’s then turn towards the geopolitical, geo-economic. You tweeted to me today, a question, “You want to know ‘why COVID?’ COVID measures are the war measures against domestic backlash against the consequences of the USA’s economic geopolitical war with China,” end quote. And so, there’s a lot to unpack here, a lot going on.

I mean, my earlier point was that we’ve determined that project COVID, what they sell us as what COVID is, has nothing really to do with health or public health in their minds, but has everything to do with a larger, I’ll say globalist geopolitical, geo-economic war going on. And in my mind, it seems to be a cover that disguises the battle for, and or construction of world government on one hand, the goal of all history, a planetary world empire. And the big players of course, are North America together with Europe, Eurasia together with China and so forth. And so if we can’t explain these pandemic government policies and war measures in terms of health, as they tell us, then what is really going on, in your mind?

Denis Rancourt:

Okay. Well, the tweet that I put out this morning that you read was the graphs. The figures that I showed in that tweet were to show that one of the biggest news items today is that the inflation has for the first time reached levels comparable to what it was in 1982. We’re just breaking all the records regarding inflation right now in the United States, 7% per year. That’s huge, right? Huge. And so you have to go back many decades before you see that kind of thing again.

And so inflation, like this is a direct consequence of a transformation of the global exchange manufacturing system. China was an integral part of the US dominated capital system and now the US is decoupling from China and is in an economic war against China. And this is causing incredible inflation because a lot of things that were made cheaply in China and where everything had been efficiently made in the global economy and came to an equilibrium is now being completely disrupted.

So there’s going to be huge inflation and inflation means that the savings of ordinary people disappear. And so your long term security, even your pensions, everything is put at risk, if you allow inflation to be in this way. And you’re necessarily going to get inflation when you disrupt the supply chains to this degree and decide that you’re going to reorganize the global economic system.

And so I see COVID, at least in great part as being war measures that are being applied to the domestic populations. By war measures, I mean complete surveillance, complete control of your movements, everything in that regard, and also you’re not allowed to travel anymore. In effect, that’s what it is. And so they know where you are, what you’re doing. They allow certain things [but they] can cut off your spending. They can cut off where you’re allowed to go to spend, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. They’re putting in the e-currency at the same time, and this is the way to bring it in. So it’s complete control of the domestic population in a hard way. I mean, we’re talking your money. And you do that, it’s war measures in a war. And the war is the economic war with China, basically, Eurasia and the development of Eurasia and the path that it was on.

So I don’t agree with you that we’re … We’re not close to worldwide globalization right now. We’re still in a period where there is some competition against the major globalized bloc controlled by the USA and that that alternative bloc is places where you have real sovereignty like China and Russia and their economic exchanges and the places that they can have influence in, and that they have economic ties with and so on. That bloc is on a growing trajectory and is clearly going to surpass and has, or just at the crossing point of surpassing the US system.

So the US has decided to try to crush it or harm it as much as it can. And the way to do that is to decouple US investments and US economic collaboration from China. First, they tried to negotiate a new deal. That’s what Trump did, trying to coerce China into accepting very unfavorable conditions regarding all the economic exchanges that were allowed, that were integrated. And when that didn’t work, they decided, all right then, we’ll militarily circle them and threaten them and cut off all of our economic and their ability to have the kinds of economic exchanges broadly that they had before as well.

And so there’s a real economic war between real opponents. It’s geopolitics, we’re not just fine tuning a globalized world. This is a real geopolitical war I believe and COVID is our war measures. The COVID measures are war measures in the context of this geopolitical economic war that will last at least a decade, at least a decade. So the kind of control that they’re installing now and everything, nothing will ever be brought back. There’s no way, there’s no way. They want complete control. They want complete impossibility of any democracy or resistance from within as they transform the world in this way and even risk hot wars.

And so that’s what I think COVID is principally. It was a CIA coordinated campaign to bring in place these measures, because they are consistently what you want. The only kind of system that can go to war in a serious way and create damage and suffering to even the domestic population is a totalitarian system. So you never have democracy during war time and you always have this absolute totalitarian system, and that’s what they’re installing. And that’s what they’re putting into place in making sure that real democratic governance never returns, not for the near future anyway. So that’s how I see COVID as this one feature in this geopolitical struggle.

Geopolitics & Empire:

What I’m struggling to understand is that as you outline this struggle between the east and west, maybe this is my kind of binary thinking where I would think, okay, the west is struggling against Russia and China. The west is applying these totalitarian war measures to its own population. And you would think that Russia and China wouldn’t apply those measures to their own population, but it seems that across the board-

Denis Rancourt:

On the opposite. On the opposite.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Why are all countries then … It seems as if all over the world, governments-

Denis Rancourt:

Look, this is a war that is massive and everyone domestically has to apply these war measures because everyone has to be concerned about domestic terrorism and domestic resistance and internal strife that would take away from the ability to respond in war-like conditions. So China and Russia are imposing what they feel is necessary because they don’t want to be left behind.[1] They see the west developing these incredible surveillance and control mechanisms and an e-currency. They can’t have freedom on their side because this would make them too vulnerable, way too vulnerable in comparison to this totalitarian system that is gearing up for a war and that is right in a war.

So I believe that China and Russia impose [and maintain] these measures for their own reasons, and those reasons have a lot to do with the geopolitical tensions that are being created, because you don’t have the geopolitical tensions just in one of the parties, but in all of the parties that are involved in this struggle. So that’s how I understand it.

I mean, the west has discovered a way to take away the nuisance of democracy and to install complete surveillance and control of all citizens and movements in the country. Why would the opponents, Russia and China not take advantage of this, under the cover that it’s legitimate to do it because COVID, because pandemic, et cetera? Why would they not do it? They’d be crazy not to do it. You see? So that’s how I understand it. There’s no way that they’re doing it because they’re being directed from above by the same people that are directing the United States. To me, that’s just a fantasy.

Of course China has been developing and enforcing its own surveillance, censorship and control apparatus for decades, which is part of how it maintained its sovereignty against the challenge of the largest economic takeover campaign in history, which began after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, see Footnote-1, but now it is seen as justified in doing so and in expanding those measures, using the globally propagandized pretext of public health.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Yeah. Well yeah, it makes sense. I cannot believe at this point that our politicians, I think in most countries, be they mayors, local officials, governors, or presidents that at least that they would know that this isn’t about health anymore because the way they’re selling these measures to us, it doesn’t make any logical sense. So I have to believe that they are in on it, or they’re forced to implement these measures, that they know that they’re carrying out tyranny.

Denis Rancourt:

I kind of disagree with your premise. You’re basically saying they must know, they would know. And the problem I have with this is the following, they don’t work that way. Health officials don’t work on the basis of knowledge. They never question themselves in terms of what is true and what makes sense. Their functioning, their way of operation is based on careerism, is based on their career, their status within the profession, their status with their employer and so on. That’s the filter, that’s the filter.

So it’s not about understanding and really evaluating what’s better for the population, or what’s better for people. It’s all about ensuring that your professional an employee status and your status in society are maintained, are optimized, are increased. And it’s about obedience and it’s about fitting into that establishment. So it’s not about science or understanding or judgment, or morality or anything like that. These are careerists. These are careerists. You’ve got to understand that.

They’re not like free thinkers, they’re not like you and I. They don’t operate that way. They’re not trying to figure out what’s going on here and is this good for society, and so on. They’re just doing what’s good for their careers, period. There are exceptions that prove the rule, but mostly it does not occur to them to think, what does this really mean? Can I read this scientific paper and understand it? What are the premises here? Do I agree with this? What’s it based on? What’s the scientific basis for what this author is putting forward? They don’t think that way. It never crosses their mind.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Yeah. And I do see what you’re saying. I mean, the people that I know, I’ve got young, former students who are now studying medicine in university, and they just take in what they’re told and they don’t question anything else. And then they just go with the flow as you’re laying out.

Denis Rancourt:

Well, they’d be punished to question it because it would be a loss of their resources. It would be a loss of their energy to start questioning it. They have a full-time job just obeying and learning by heart what they’re being told and learning what the procedures are and learning what the rules of the game are and learning how to get ahead. That’s a full time job for them, so they can’t waste their time trying to figure out what’s really going on here. There’s no rewards for that kind of thinking, none whatsoever, only punishment. So why would you go there?

I mean, MDs that come out of medical school are like robot zombies. They’re applying protocols and repeating what the rules are and learning what the rules are. And the rules are more and more complex

all the time. And the rules, meaning the protocols, are changing all the time as well and their duty is to keep up with them. They need to know the rules and how they’re changing. And so that’s part of how the whole system holds together and they just keep doing this. So they can go down this path of something that the establishment wants and that’s at the same time of great profit to pharma. They can go very far in that direction without ever there being a flag raised or anything because they’re trained to operate that way.

Geopolitics & Empire:

This is just what boggles my mind, because I’ve always been a person that just questions every step that I take forward and I can’t believe how other people don’t operate like this.

Denis Rancourt:

I know.

Geopolitics & Empire:

And so, I wanted-

Denis Rancourt:

You and I are at a disadvantage in that regard. The disadvantage is because we’re that way, we have a tendency to think that most people are that way and we try to analyze things through that lens, but it’s not the correct lens. Most people are just ensuring their position within the dominance hierarchy of society, period. That’s all that matters. And we’re just freaks, we’re just freaks. We’re freaks of nature. It’s accidents of our upbringing and the societies that we were born in, and so on. We’re just freaks of nature, I think.

Geopolitics & Empire:

All right. And I wanted to get your thoughts … Yeah, I agree. So we covered the health aspect. We covered the east-west geopolitical aspect, and then you’re talking about the war measures, and so I want to get your thoughts on that. So I’m here in Jalisco, Mexico, which is probably the second most important state. This week, they have just announced obligatory PCR testing, or vaccine passports to enter a number of establishments here. One other state in Mexico called Tlaxcala, which is maybe the tiniest state in Mexico has made it mandatory, the vaccine passport, for everything, including supermarkets and parks, nature parks. This is according to a report.

And so I believe this is going to spread to every state and every country on the planet, if nothing stops it. And I think that they need every single citizen to be vaccinated, or at least tested or whatever, to have the vaccine passport, which is going to link to the digital currency, as you mentioned, because this is the new global system, the new financial political system. Once this system is in place, we don’t have rights anymore, as you mentioned, no more democracy. We will be in a digital prison.

There was an interesting article that I read recently from Strategic Culture by, I think former MI6, British diplomat, Alastair Crooke. And he was citing a professor who says, quote, “The consequences of emergency capitalism are emphatically bio-political. They concern the administration of a human

surplus that is growing superfluous for a largely automated, highly financialized and implosive reproductive model. This is why Virus, Vaccine and COVID Pass are the Holy Trinity of social engineering.”

And he says that the virus passports are meant to train the multitudes in the use of electronic wallets, controlling access to public services and personal livelihood. The dispossessed and redundant masses together with the non-compliant, like you and me, are the first in line to be disciplined by digitalized poverty management systems directly overseen by monopoly capital. The plan is to tokenize human behavior and place it on blockchain ledgers run by algorithms. And the spreading of global fear is the perfect ideological stick to herd us toward this outcome, end quote. So what are your thoughts on this dystopian-

Denis Rancourt:

Well, that’s fine. I understand where he’s going with that. But you could impose an identity system, a pass that’s electronic that prevents you from spending money wherever, you could do all that simply by saying, we’re at war and these are war measures, and you’re going to do it. You could do it that way. You wouldn’t need to vaccinate people or force them to wear face masks.

The big advantage of forcing people to be vaccinated and wear face masks is that you’re forcing them individually to submit and to submit to a very high degree. To agree to have the state inject a substance into your body, to agree to have the state to restrict your breathing, this is a high level of submission, and they want that because they don’t want independent thinkers. They don’t want people resisting in any way, because they’re about to create a dystopia and they are going into an economic war that could have all kinds of repercussions. And they’ve decided that democracy and independent thinking people are a real nuisance, and therefore they want to train you like they would train any animal to accept in a very submissive way.

And so, if you are accepting a substance being directly injected into your body, that we know can cause your death, that we know can cause permanent damage to your health and all kinds of horrible things and is causing health problems in young, high performance athletes around the world, all these things, we know all that, and you know all that and you’re still going to accept it. By accepting it in that way, two things. You’re buying into it personally, so you believe the lie. Once you buy into it to that degree, it’s hard psychologically to admit that you were wrong and maybe you shouldn’t have let them inject you, or maybe this whole thing is not true.

Once you invest to that degree with your own body and you’ve been wearing a mask for months and months, and months, and telling others and glaring at them when they don’t wear a mask, you’re really part of that. You’re ingrained into that at the deepest psychological level. You have bought into it. You invested personally in it, and that’s what they want. That’s why vaccination is so important to them. They want complete submission, I think. That’s how I understand it.

So you get a very strong tie with accepting the authority of the system and you accept it completely. You know what? It’s like when new prisoners arrive in a prison and the guards make a point of being really harsh in terms of disciplining them at the beginning, to make it clear to them that there is no chance, you just obey whatever we say. Don’t even think of resisting or being independently minded here, it’s not going to work. And then they really do that, they break you down. It’s that kind of thing. They’re breaking down the entire population and getting us to buy into it.

And it’s a horrible system. Look, it’s a complete dystopia. It’s really monstrous what they’re doing, but that’s what they’ve decided to do. They so want to run the world and be on top of the world for the foreseeable future, they cannot put up with a competing system. They don’t want a multipolar world. It’s been monopolar for very long. They’ve been really good at developing this hierarchical control of everything.

In my geopolitics paper that you mentioned that I wrote in 2019,[1] I explained how the geopolitical integration of the US-centered globalization was dramatically increased after the Bretton Woods Agreement was retracted from unilaterally by the United States in 1971. And then the second big overall, really big increase, acceleration of that globalization was in 1991, ’92 when the Soviet Union disintegrated. And then there were other periods as well. And they’ve been putting into place ways of enforcing that and trying to impose it on the whole world.

And I think that the global warming narrative has been part of that. There was a real attempt there to be able to control the development of countries through their usage of carbon or through carbon and so on and have a carbon economy. I think they toyed with the idea that the new international currency that has to replace the dollar eventually, because there’s a lot of trading going on that’s excluding the US dollar because they don’t want US sanctions. So Russia and China, and many, many pairwise countries exchange in their own currencies now. They circumvent the dollar.

So they saw this as a real threat, and they’ve been looking for a way around this, and I think they want e‑currencies now. And they want an e-currency that can take over the world. They want an e-currency based, US-centered economy that is so strong that it will gobble up the e-currencies being set up in Russian and China eventually, and that is impossible to circumvent. You can circumvent the US dollar, but you won’t be able to circumvent this. And so I think that’s the kind of thinking that they’re adopting. It’s geopolitical war and our domestic politics is a slave to that. That’s what’s really going on.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Speaking about that e-currency, that sounds a lot like Bitcoin, no?

Denis Rancourt:

Yeah. Except that it will be controlled by these global forces, right?

Geopolitics & Empire:

Right. So my biggest concern at the moment right now in general for the coming weeks, months, I don’t know, are these dystopian COVID war measures, because I won’t be able to do anything pretty soon. So that’s my number one preoccupation at this moment. How dark do you think things will get, because they’re reintroducing lockdowns. I’ve seen videos of these curfews in Quebec. They’re putting people in house arrest in different countries. And soon we might even lose access to our bank accounts. And like I said, in this Mexican state, you can’t even go in a supermarket to buy food. So what do we do?

Denis Rancourt:

I think we’re still in the phase that they’re breaking us down, like we’re the new prisoners arriving in this prison. And I think they have to be really strict and really extreme because whenever they perceive a chance that we’re going to start saying, no, this is nonsense, you’ve gone too far, or this is crazy, or I don’t see people dying of this disease around me, so I don’t believe it anymore, as soon as they get a sense of that, they have to press harder. They have to squeeze even harder.

So they’re playing this very dynamic game, if you like, of really imposing, letting go when they have to, giving in a bit when local governments have to give into a particularly strong local domestic movement. There’s going to be this constant struggle like this. They’re trying to find to what extent can [they] really acquire control. Once they feel that you’re no longer a threat, they’ll allow you to have some freedom that they can take away any time. Those are the kinds of warlike conditions that we’re entering into now.

And it’s absolutely insane because there is no way that after billions of years of evolution and coexistence between viruses and bacterial pathogens, and for hundreds of millions of years [air] breathing animals on earth and so on, there is no way that all of a sudden there is a new virus that appeared that requires all of these measures or else the species will die and the hospitals will overflow to the point that there’ll be even bigger catastrophes, worse than major earthquakes and you name it.

That’s just complete nonsense, that all of a sudden a new viral entity has landed on the planet that now we need to have a booster every four months, or we’ll all get sick and die in hospital. This is just complete insanity, complete nonsense, complete nonsense. So that’s where we’re at is that they can actually … The level of ignorance and the loss of independent thinking and the loss of individual pride and individual control over your local community and your local government is so great that they can tell this lie and get everyone to go along with it. It’s just unbelievable.

Geopolitics & Empire:

That last point you made is what I’ve been tending to use in arguing with normies or people who are just buying the official propaganda is that if you just stop and think all of these measures just don’t make any sense, so something else is going on. And as I related, my biggest concern are these COVID war, dystopian measures. For you, in terms of research or just your personal worry of everything that we’ve talked about or we haven’t mentioned, what are you most worried or focusing on in terms of the war measures, geopolitics, geo-economics, what’s going on in Canada? What are you thinking about most these days?

Denis Rancourt:

I’m a social theorist, so I try to understand these big phenomena. I’m a scientist. I’m a multidisciplinary scientist, so I try to understand, well, are more people dying? Where are they dying? Why are they dying? What’s going on here? What are the forces at play? I just try to understand this. It’s in my nature to try to understand the world that I’ve been popped down into. That’s what I do. But at the same time, I have to think, how can I best as an individual resist against this? Where can I play a role? Who can I help that is resisting? And so on. That’s really important too.

So I find that it’s like a lot of people will say, “Well, we need a mass movement of resistance.” And I don’t like that when people say that, because they don’t understand what a mass movement of resistance is. They don’t understand that a mass movement of resistance is completely useless and ineffective, unless it is a coalition of individuals who are truly resisting individually. You see what I’m saying?

So if [you’re] waiting for this mass movement, [you’re] waiting for big crowds in the streets, they don’t care about big crowds in the streets, that has no impact. The only time a big crowd in the street is a concern to the establishment is when that big crowd in the street is marching towards the prime minister’s residence in order to trash the place. That’s when that crowd is of concern. When they’re marching to close down an industry or to close down the mainstream media buildings, or to visit some influential people, because they don’t like what they’re doing and give them a talking to, that’s when those big crowds are of concern. The fact that there are big crowds in the streets expressing their opinion, or even their anger is not really of concern.

In the past, historically, crowds, often called mobs, were influential because of the potential of actually doing things, not because they were expressing their opinions. They have caused us to forget that, to not know history, to not know how social change occurs. In the United States, people don’t know the struggles that occurred in order to give workers rights, in order to give true democratic protections against an employer that forces you to do extremely dangerous work, even if you know, on average, you’re going to die by the time you’re 30 or 40, and how to prevent employers from hiring children, because it’s more convenient to hire them and they’re more easily trained, and so on, and they cost you less.

All the basic fundamental health and worker rights were won in the United States, in a period where industry was murderous. We’re talking coal mines, we’re talking vicious industry with dangerous machines, we’re talking all these things. Those battles were won by people who fought in the trenches and who organized in the workplace. And these were serious. Mary Mother Jones was one of the main activists that is still written about and talked about who organized coal miners and people like that.

These were the real battles that showed the state that you had to have a minimum amount of decency for people and respect their families and their basic needs and sanitary conditions in the home. Because in the industrial period, in the UK and in the developing Western world, workers were treated truly like slaves. They were housed in unbearable conditions. The life expectancy for the lower class workers of the economic development that came with industrial development was typically, I don’t know, 30 or something years old, right?

People were dying like flies. There was disease everywhere. There was no sanitation. All of this was the reality of a lot of people because of modernization. And people had to slowly fight against those horrible conditions and make so-called capitalism, more tolerable and more equitable. But that was a struggle, that didn’t happen on its own. It was a real fight.

So we’ve forgotten all of that history, we’ve forgotten what you have to do. When the government gets it in its head that it’s going to screw you over a certain way and not care about your basic decency and your basic rights and your basic freedoms, the things you have to do to fight back are pretty significant. It’s a real battle. It’s not enough to just go out in the street and protest. If it is enough, good, and then you can do it. And then if it works, great. But if it’s not working, you got to figure out something else.

And the thing that I say is the very first thing you got to do is to not comply, do not get injected, do not wear a mask, do not go where entry is forbidden, do not do any of these things. Don’t comply. Don’t comply. Follow your gut and do not comply. And I practice that in my own personal life. I will go shopping and not wear a mask. And it works very well because a lot of people know that this is crazy and is not right, and they won’t bother you. They won’t bother you. So you can at least show that there is some resistance still there.

But when I resist personally, because it’s a deep, personal conviction for me, I’m prepared to really hold my ground. If the manager comes out with five employees, they’re trying to convince me, or they bring in the security guards, so be it, so be it. I will fight them and then I will fight them the best I can in court and elsewhere. I will try to expose it, make it public, and I will help others who are fighting in the same way. But that non-compliance is the kind of personal conviction that you need to make I think, because without individual non-compliance as a first step, as part of this coalescing crowd of people that will eventually create more change.

A lot of expression will come out of new political parties as well. You’ll have to constantly look for political expression that you can get behind. You have to evaluate them carefully, and you have to change your mind, if it turns out that they’re just not authentic, or they’re not real, or they’re not doing enough, or they’re not taking the right route. But there is a potential. There’s still structures in place that allows political parties. And so use every structure you can, do everything you can and resist it, I would say

Geopolitics & Empire:

What you just said, I think that’s the first and best answer is just noncompliance. That’s the primary answer. If enough people just didn’t comply, they couldn’t move forward. And unfortunately-

Denis Rancourt:

It’s not an answer and you cannot qualify it with if enough people did this. If you think that way you’re moving away from “I will not do it”. I don’t care what you’re doing. I don’t care if there’s a million people doing it or not. I don’t care if there’s only five of us in the country, I will not [comply]. Once you take that stance, that is the kind of real stance, personally, that is the only thing that can eventually constitute a real movement.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Yeah. And that’s the stance that I have. I’ve been doing what you’ve been doing since day one. I’m just not complying with going anywhere where a mask is required. And if I have to, in the rare occasion … We recently went to the beach and we went to a hotel. And it’s when you register at the hotel, you have to put on the mask, but once you’re done registering, you go to your room and then you walk around the hotel and go to the pool, no one’s wearing a mask, which is just insane.

And so when we’re registering, the lady tells me … I’m the only one not wearing a mask in our group and she tells me, put on a mask. And I sternly looked at her and I put on my mask. And I always have in my wallet, I take out one of these little stickers. It’s in Spanish and says the people in Germany in the forties also didn’t know that their governments were brainwashing them, or another one that says, I can’t still believe that people think all of these measures have to do with stopping a virus. And I put it on my mask like this, and I stare at her and that’s my way of resisting, politely telling her you’re nuts and I’m not happy with your fascism, but I’m doing this now. And so this is just like, when you have-

Denis Rancourt:

Every circumstance you have to judge how you’re going to respond, whether or not you’re really going to take it all the way. You have to choose your circumstance in the circumstance that you’re at. I’ve had occasions where my wife, my wonderful wife has said, “Denis, please, we’re going in there together, please put your mask on.”

Geopolitics & Empire:

See. Oh, that was my point. That’s something that happened because what you mentioned earlier, this having the courage to really, like you said, that willing for the manager and the five employees to come surround you, I have that, that’s what I did. And my wife, when she saw me doing that, she was like, “Oh,” because they’re embarrassed. They don’t yet have the courage to deal with that publicly. And she was like, “Oh no, what are you doing?” And I was like, “No.”

Denis Rancourt:

Yeah. So every situation is different and there will be new situations that will arise because it’s a moving battle, there’s many moving parts, there’s all kinds of things happening. And as long as we stay alive with the desire to resist this thing in the most effective way that we can, we will see opportunities and we will have occasion to do things. And honestly, they’re not threatening me right now. They’re not taking me away to the insane asylum, like they have done with some MDs who have been politically involved here in Canada, put them into asylums and inject them against their will with various drugs, and so on. That has actually happened to an MD in Canada.

So they’re not doing that to me right now. No one’s knocked on my door. They haven’t threatened to cut my pension or take my bank account or anything like that. So I have no reason to crank it up. I feel that I’m playing an important role by helping people understand what’s going on and communicating what I communicate. And also I’m helping many others who are trying to sort things out and they really appreciate my help as a mentor or as a colleague or as a collaborator. So I feel I have a role and I feel I have my place and I still feel that it makes sense to …

But as pressure increases, I mean, I think of the people who died in the United States, a million people, I think of the horrendous conditions under which they died. I think of the communities and the homes and the establishments and the families that were destroyed by this and everything. And sooner or later, that kind of pressure, there’s going to be backlash. And there will be, people will discover ways of resisting. It’s unpredictable how it’s going to go.

And they have to have good surveillance to spot reactions that might have a potential to do things. So it’s not an accident, for example, when here in Ontario, one restaurant owner is very brave, very outspoken, it was a barbecue place in Ontario, and said, “My place is going to stay open. You’re all welcome. Here are the picnic tables. Come and eat the barbecue.” And everyone came and everyone was happy to do it and it was a movement.

Well, it’s not an accident that they sent in, basically an army to close the place down. They want to be intimidating and completely overpowering, handcuff you, break the doors down, close up the area, build a big fence around it, if they need to and take you into the legal system, into the court system, where basically you have this incredibly biased and obtuse court that you have to deal with for years and years and years until you run out of money and get discouraged and be told that this is the most “justice” in quotations that you’re going to get, here it is.

So they have to do that because they have to completely kill any spark of real resistance. So you know that, but you never know, one of these sparks is going to work. Someone’s going to figure something

else out. And then some of these sparks are going to catch on and there’ll be too many sparks for them to handle, and so on. You never know when that kind of thing is going to happen. It’s a nonlinear complex process. So who knows?

Having said that, we also know that a totalitarian [system] can last a long time. Totalitarianism, a totalitarian system that is extreme and does not allow for individual freedom and democratic expression, it can survive for a hundred years or more. And slavery in the US, 400 years. These systems can be stable for a long time. And typically the thing that makes them unstable is competition from another system, another system that finds a more effective way because let’s face it distributed decision making, distributed intelligence, distributed economic motives is a much more efficient system than totalitarianism. That’s why the west has been so successful.

To have property rights, to have patent rules, to have laws that allow for private enterprise and corporations and everything, that kind of system with a more distributed hierarchy of wealth sharing and decision making is potentially way more creative and way stronger than a totalitarian system that has a lot of not very healthy people at the bottom of the pyramid. You see? And so when push comes to shove between civilizations, those ones might have more of an advantage.

Geopolitics & Empire:

Yeah. You answered my last question, basically. I was going to ask you that, apart from continuing resisting, that we just become accustomed over the coming months and years to these dystopian COVID measures. And I have the same view that as you said, there can be some white swan or some event come in, unpredictable, that can change the course of the history that we’re in, or that we could go deep into tyranny. Historically, we have to come to terms with this harsh reality, that it could last a long time, what we’re going into. And so do you have any final then thought to leave us with?

Denis Rancourt:

Well, I mean, we covered a lot of ground. I would really appreciate if your listeners would go to my website,, and look at the kinds of things that I write about as a social theorist. There’s a whole section on COVID there, there’s a whole section on geopolitics, there’s a whole section on medicine and health, and political theory as well. So I’ve been writing for many years, and I think I’ve discovered some pretty important ideas. Those of your listeners who are intellectually digging into and understanding, I would invite them to go and look at my website. That’s the final thing I could say at this stage. What else can I say that would be more important?

Denis Rancourt:

I think we’re going to have victories along the way. We’re going to be able to push back. There’s going to be all kinds of examples of really successful pushback. It’s amazing what’s happening in some of the states in the United States. Those are real battles. We’ll see if they can control elections, like they want to control the currency. We’ll see what’s going to happen. It’s a very interesting time to be struggling and to be pushing back.

And I would encourage people to take pleasure in that and to take pleasure in discovering about the real nature of their governments. I mean, the only way you find out their true nature is when they go too far like this. And when you push back and see the reaction, that’s when you discover what they’re really like. So consider it a road trip that you go on where you’re trying to discover these things and push back and do what you can, right? I don’t know what to say.

Geopolitics & Empire:

We took then a road trip where you take a really, really wrong turn. But in any case, it’s funny, I’ve had a bunch of those road trips around the world. And so I’ll include all of the links to your stuff in the description in the podcast, wherever it goes out to every platform. And yeah, it’s always great to talk with you and hopefully we can do it again in the future and hopefully you stay out of the asylum out there in Canada, they don’t come for you. And so thank you. Thanks again for coming back on Geopolitics & Empire.

Denis Rancourt:

Okay, you’re welcome. Yeah, I’ll do what I can to stay out of there.


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About Denis Rancourt

Denis G. Rancourt is a former tenured full professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a researcher for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and a social theorist. He has published more than 100 articles in leading scientific journals, on physics and environmental science. He is the author of the book Hierarchy and Free Expression in the Fight Against Racism.

*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: (available on iTunes or Amazon)

Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

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