I grew up in Manitoba, where brutal, deep-freeze winters drag on for five months and everybody carries on regardless. We don’t do “snow days”, even if the weather becomes so extreme that other parts of the world would call in the military and declare a humanitarian crisis. We just cozy up and wait for our fleets of oversized scrapers to work overtime, clearing school routes and parking lots nonstop. Only if the highways are closed or we’re physically blocked from reaching the end our driveways do we miss a day from work, and even then people look down on you for not having a plan.

I always walked to school. Every year, wind chill temperatures hit what meteorologists called life-threatening lows, but that just meant I had to wear a ski mask in addition to my full body snowsuit and boots. Typically, my school locker was stuffed with soggy winter gear designed for arctic ventures and long-range snowmobilers. I can only remember having a snow day three times in my childhood. The next day, us kids would chuckle at the town for not being able to handle four feet of wet snow over a weekend, with broken trees covering intersections, snapped power lines everywhere, closed highways, collapsed roofs, and whiteout visibility. Meanwhile, on the news, we would see stories of coastal cities shutting down over four inches and ask our parents if they were joking. Evidently, “crisis” is just a matter of perspective.

But we knew this for other reasons. In our heavily Christian area we were aware that people had it much worse than us; we would often pray for regions of the world torn apart by famines, floods, and natural disasters, as well as armed conflicts and genocides. With the tragedies of the world on our hearts, we knew our bad weather was nothing to complain about. We were blessed, and our charity organizations were world-class in responding quickly to foreign problems. In order to keep up with all the misery around the globe, our seemingly ignorant folk had to be surprisingly connected. We had multi-lingual experts in international affairs coordinating across the globe long before the Internet.

Tinted Windows

My family never joined the missionary efforts, because by the time I was old enough to do anything, our community’s cynical outlook of the world had turned inward and poisoned the spirit of participation. My parent’s generation believed the preachers were all phonies, the charity organizations were all scams, and it was every family for themselves. Cops were crooked, mayors were underhanded, and school teachers were pedophiles. People started to lock their doors, and community events like caroling or trick-or-treating stopped over sensationalist rumors. Despite remaining an idyllic town in terms of crime statistics, they became paranoid. Admittedly, we all knew about drugs flowing through quietly in the background, but it never manifested as violence, overdoses, or other offenses. I didn’t see a problem myself. Perhaps the disillusionment the rest of North America experienced in the 1970’s simply took two decades to finally hit us, or perhaps there was another culprit—the same culprit which continues to outrage the evangelical world today.

On paper we should have been happy, and still ought to be. We never experienced a decline. For decades we’ve been the fastest growing area in all of Canada, with rapidly improving working conditions, strong growth, and even safer neighborhoods. People still pick up litter on the streets, treat each other with respect, and peer-pressure each other to attend one of the many churches we have to offer. As far as I can tell, the paranoia coincided with nothing except the arrival of cable TV, satellite dishes, and a local movie theater. In other words, we were exposed to the world’s narrative in a new way. Just like that, concerned evangelicals were fighting invisible threats, staving off the impending disasters they’d only just learned about on 24-hour news networks.

International media fueled local disillusionment, but this was temporarily solved when Internet-savvy Millennials like myself taught their parents to distrust the media and focus on deeper global trends. People started to learn that the news was full of it. Unfortunately this was replaced by something even worse than cable news: the rise of social media and smartphones. Algorithmized handheld propaganda undid any progress created by informed discussion. It turned concerned citizens into knee-jerk culture warriors with a dozen bogus sources for their daily talking points. Facebook took over the Baby Boomer world, skewing local conversations and priorities beyond sense in too many cases, merging fringe activist groups with gullible Christians who would normally never associate with them. Culture war in the social media age has not only a polarizing effect, but a totalizing one.


Evangelicals believe fundamentally in the power of information. Given nothing more than the Holy Bible, we spread across the world trying to teach the Good News to everyday people in their own languages. We hoped to win souls wherever we could with kindness and a message. We did not seek power, status, or even compensation. We were not Conquistadors or Jesuits. Despite forever being smeared as ignorant hicks and backwards rubes, we sincerely treasure the truth. We pass it on as quickly as possible with those we care about. In a sense we have always been the messengers most eager to change the world. That’s why we’ve emerged as the spearhead of populism. In the Information Age, only paid shills hustle more than we do, but they lack conviction and don’t go for the throat of the establishment. Thanks to those of us who still read books and conduct proper research, the world is scrambling to shut us up. Everything bad is blamed on us. Evangelicals are the type to slip hand written notes under doors and stick pamphlets under windshields. We’ll start up conversations with co-workers. We will share videos, buy books, and support creators who help us understand the world. We don’t care about approval from the media, the government, or the world at large; in fact, we’ve always known they’re against us, because as Jesus said:

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:18-19, NKJV)

Our ancestors were tortured and thrown into dungeons for rejecting the dogma of the Pope and standing up for the truth we found in the Scriptures, and while modern society has toned down the persecution, they still discriminate against us. We just carry on regardless. Bring the blizzard, we will simply clear a path.

The question is, what truth should we be sharing today, and how? Using hashtags, forwarding links, and personally distributing useful material may not be the same as the missionary projects of constructing sandbag walls in flood zones or giving clothes to the impoverished, but as the tendrils of globalization reach all the way into the smallest communities, the old paranoia doesn’t seem so crazy anymore. Policies dreamed up in the United Nations are actually being felt at home. We’re not facing a single disaster, like an earthquake. It’s not something we simply prepare for, or recover from. The world itself is the disaster. We face anti-human conspiracies, working lockstep to shape a dystopia. If we don’t stop it systematically, as a human race, there will be nobody to liberate us from the inevitable hell of tomorrow. Their methods are gradual, spread out, and adaptive, always carried out under noble-sounding pretexts or supposed emergencies, and always with the full support of what I call the “Narrative-Investment Complex” to safeguard their progress. Populism has pushed them to new levels of desperation. Their cover stories are becoming translucent, and their policies are extreme. And still, evangelical researchers are putting their heads together to find a message that can mitigate, delay, or frustrate their plans. Unfortunately, our tireless social media work has allowed them to harvest our data, analyze our beliefs, and formulate a plan to work us into their next phase.

Populist Gun To The Head

Populism is a tricky horse to bridle, but they are getting better at it. New tactics are being tested all the time, using controlled opposition like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Q Anon, and selective promotion of “forbidden knowledge” and “rabbit holes” leading to ever greater confusion. Algorithms can measure the results and incorporate lessons for the next round of psychological warfare. “Helping” us to interpret Bible prophecy is a particular peeve of mine, as they feed certain irrational fears to drive us into the arms of their populist saviors. For example, the patent numbers of a vaccine deliberately incorporating “666” was a dirty trick to spread fear among evangelicals. They magnified it so mindlessly that it’s embarrassing. Learning that even stupid gimmicks can disorient the moorings of the faithful and turn populists into quivering cowards, things have gotten dumber and scarier. They’ve simplified the whole narrative into cartoon caricatures. The dreaded “Great Reset” versus the glorious “Great Awakening”. All contrived theater. All Hegelian dialectic.

That’s not to say it isn’t painful. Much like how the charade of the Cold War involved real murder, destruction, and upheaval, but was ultimately orchestrated by banking cartels to destroy isolationism once and for all, we’re in a new phase of scripted transformation that will cost many lives. Back then, on the heels of both World Wars, there was a huge danger that nations would choose neutrality and self-reliance to avoid getting sucked into future conflagrations. That avenue was cut off thanks to the Cold War. Intelligence agencies carried out coups against sovereign leaders who refused to join the narrative, and economic warfare squeezed otherwise self-sufficient economies into strange partnerships. Proxy battles spilled over borders, making neutrality nigh impossible. The “space race” and other cartoons were used to capture the public imagination. On top of it all, the lingering promise of nuclear annihilation was kept at the forefront to ensure that even middle class housewives and disinterested workers would demand that politicians take it seriously. Globalism was the scripted result. The pursuit of mutual economic interests and shared intelligence agency cooperation became the “only way forward”. What we’re seeing now is the next phase. “Globalism vs. Populism”. Instead of national resources and nuclear bombs driving the narrative, the dangers of isolation and independence must become personal and spiritual. This requires a psychodrama par excellence.

Donald Trump plays the role of the populist savior. Whistleblowers and government watchdogs serve as John the Baptist, preparing his way. The corrupt elite overreacts to his mild reforms and common sense policies, which usually don’t end up manifesting anyway. The already-distrusted media stoops to new lows to ensure that he will be embraced by many. He seems to overcome them all and emerge spotless, creating an irrational hope. Nevertheless, he ends up betrayed by his own people and loses to the ultimate decrepit globalist pawn. Today, with Easter fresh on our minds, the analogy should be obvious: we’re living in the proverbial days of Trump in the tomb, cheated out of a second term, waiting for his divine resurrection and glorification.

But for as absurd as this theater is, don’t think it’s a joke to those involved. The threat posed by “Trump” is not hollow, and the opposition is as real as the Soviet Union, which was permitted to deal actual damage to Western interests and provoke real responses. Trump is a legitimate gun to the heads of globalists. Not because he’s a genius who knows what he’s doing (he doesn’t), but because the powers who prop him up have used him to send a message loud and clear.

To decode what Trump really represents, one must first understand that oligarchs and crooked politicians are actually in a vulnerable position. Far from being untouchable, they can each be destroyed with a single news story, a single lawsuit, or a good old fashioned threat. These threats belong to the military intelligence agencies whose job it is to “protect national interests” through espionage and information gathering. In other words, blackmail is what forces the elite to play along with the agenda determined by the permanent military shadow state. Populism is therefore used to add weight to this extortion scheme; without an angry mob ready to lynch the corrupt leaders, they tend to get comfortable. Credible threats need to exist, just as the Soviet Union needed to have real teeth while still being on an invisible leash.

Remember that Alex Acosta—who eventually became Trump’s Labor Secretary for some reason—was the prosecutor for blackmail specialist Jeffery Epstein the first time he was in danger of getting locked up. Acosta gave Epstein an unprecedented plea deal because he “belonged to intelligence”. As the intel agencies required more eager activity on part of the conspiracy, Epstein was brought back more publicly than ever. He sat in jail with Trump’s justice department in charge of his safety, as he potentially threatened to testify against everyone. Talk about a credible threat!

As you might expect, such a jarring wake up call caused the elite to scramble and become sloppy. This made them more exposed, more vulnerable to blackmail, and more credibly threatened by populism. The idiocy of Russiagate backfired, for example. The threat of Trump escalated until the elite finally hit the nuclear option, which was the global pandemic psyop, the unprecedented lockdowns to destroy the middle class, the ushering in of the permanent state of emergency, and in the case of Canada, even dabbling with martial law and the seizure of personal bank accounts for even sympathizing with a populist protest. The “death of Jeffery Epstein” may have come and gone as a result, but just as suddenly his blackmail partner, Ghislane Maxwell, was dragged out of hiding and brought to court to testify. Intel agencies have endless material they can disclose to the public. The Hunter Biden laptop is yet another instance of lingering exposure; the psychodrama equivalent to “the nuke”.

So we see that the elite are being herded into collective conspiracy by the threat of populist revolution, and populists are herded into collective activism by globalist oppression escalating. Any “divisive” faction who wants to quibble about morality, religion, or the Constitution has to shut up and go away. Lone heroes are humbled quickly in this paradigm, whether globalist or populist; their character assassination and “cancellation” is the equivalent of a Cold War coup or literal assassination.

In the end, the job of the elite is to put all the eggs into one big basket so that it can be smashed with a single fell swoop of unified collapse, and the job of the populist gatekeepers is to make sure there are no sudden Christian revivals or libertarian candidates to ruin their civil war plans. The Great Reset and the Great Awakening are the “only ways forward” for either side.

Collapse and Transformation

As I describe at length in my book Fire In The Rabbit Hole, the endgame is Neofeudalism. After smashing the globalist basket of eggs and starting over with a spiritual technocracy, the survivors are meant to come out of the aftermath profoundly transformed. The next generation must remain sheltered from true evangelism for this to go smoothly. They must see no redeeming messages in our current world order, or else they will be tempted to “go back”. The spirit of individualism, rights, sovereignty, and other “divisions of the old world” (as they will think of today) will be forbidden above everything else. Only today’s “Green” messages of self-sacrifice and submission to the natural ebb and flow of Gaia can be promoted as the way of the future, because that will be the tool of the Green Priesthood who guides the evolution of mankind in harmony with Sustainable Development. The New Age definition of nature will thus revert to ancient understanding, where “nature” includes pantheistic spirituality and pagan rituals oriented around the seasons and the stars. Flat Earth, astrology, and all manner of superstitions will be used to drag humanity back to the Dark Ages, or even earlier. The Internet and global communications will be cut off, and people will be content with mere survival.

To heighten their longing for this, our kids are being masked, injected, kept in boxes, and surrounded by hideous postmodern architecture. They are meant to experience a profound catharsis once our current world system is gone, so that they will once again embrace physical contact, refuse to slaughter animals or eat meat, and celebrate a simple peasant subsistence on grains and beans. Meditation, spirit journeys, psychedelic drugs, and mystic gurus will replace the “rat race” of today. Only the universal and inclusive religion of Man will be permissible, and under this banner everything will be permissible. For this very reason, traditional religions are today discredited. They are meant to belong in that great basket of eggs. A spiritual equivalent to the United Nations must logically follow. Just as globalism was the result of the Cold War’s fruition, pantheistic cosmic mysticism will be the result of this traumatic, bizarre psychodrama reaching its climax.

I don’t expect to make it through the next phase. I will use whatever little voice I have to make it as inconvenient for them as possible to fulfill their plans. Nothing they threaten me with will stop me from trying. Jesus told us, “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Call me divisive, cancel me, or kill me, no storm will stop me. I will plow ahead and create a path for anyone who wants to follow.

Terry Wolfe

Terry Wolfe is the author of Fire in the Rabbit Hole and Maybe Everyone Is Wrong: Revelations, Conspiracy, and the Kingdom of Heaven. He is an independent researcher from Canada's prairies, raised as a Mennonite to fear God and study the Word. His viral TikTok videos have been featured on dozens of major platforms and received millions of likes because they explain complex and intimidating topics in an enjoyable and simple way.

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