Welcome to the very first Independent Media Alliance panel. Today we will be discussing the false binary, or as I call it, the two party illusion. One of the important points to discuss today is how this is not a manipulation unique to the United States, but one that is used by power structures all around the world to coerce their respective populations, typically into very specific political choices that benefit the ruling class and almost always as the expense of the people themselves. This concept is, however, much larger than just politicians and political choices, as it can be used to create the illusion of choice in just about any context, giving the false impression of objectivity, when in reality both prearranged choices are not the full scope of possible options and were chosen because either will take you in the direction desired by the manipulation’s architects. Today we will break down this idea, discuss how it affects your life and livelihood, and what actions we can take to solve this problem.


Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

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