Texas architect and engineer Ben Massmann discusses the strategic relocation community he has created in Panama. He explains why he left America, how he personally witnessed evidence that mass migration is being coordinated by globalist actors, and the six key threats and scenarios that he is watching and prepping for. He stresses that being part of a community is essential and describes the property he has developed and how there are lots for like-minded individuals to rent or purchase.
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About Ben Massmann
My name is Ben Massmann. I am an Architect and Engineer from Texas working to design and build a distinctive family and business oriented community in the highlands of Panama.
I obtained my Architectural and Engineering degrees from Texas Tech University in 2001. I became a licensed Architect and started my own Architectural and Engineering services company in 2006.
Some years ago, as a Christian father of five, I prayerfully decided to look for a family friendly land of opportunity. Characteristics for consideration while evaluating a great location to live included climate, geography, economy, culture, government, infrastructure, cost of living, business opportunities, homeschool families, resident visa requirements, and future potential.
Since moving to Volcan we have been enjoying the people, the weather, and the views. We have quickly developed new friendships as families are willing to help each other and often have to rely on each other. Many in the area have gone through similar adjustments and struggles, which helps people from diverse backgrounds bond together.
Contact us to discover why families are moving to Corazón del Cielo.
*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)