*This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People’s Reset, consider donating to The People’s Reset as a thank you: https://thegreaterreset.org/donate
John Bush discusses the technocratic threat and the work he does at his Live Free Academy to help people exit, build, and create an alternative future.
Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack
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John Bush @ People’s Reset 2025 https://odysee.com/@TheGreaterReset:4/tprmx-day5-pt2:7
About John Bush
John Bush is a radical activist, entrepreneur, and father of two based in Austin, TX.
Since 2002 he has worked tirelessly to create a more free and peaceful world through political activism and the promotion of alternative institutions. He is a proponent of health freedom and operates Brave Botanicals which offers kratom and CBD.
In 2015 he laid out his vision for Freedom Cells, small mutual aid groups networked with other cells to achieve common goals and secure the sovereignty of group members.
The Freedom Cell Network has since grown to over 5,000 people globally and hopes to one day replace the state as a means of social organization.
*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)