Author: Geopolitics & Empire
The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.
Are we living in times which were foretold thousands of years ago from ancient cultures? Are all these wars and rumors along with the increase in unnatural nature disasters just natural evolution or is there a hidden or many hidden hands behind the madness we call our modern times.
Richard Solomon discusses his Tao guidebook and spiritual technology on navigating our times (e.g. the “Satanic matrix”). China is rising and it remains to be seen if Beijing capitulates to the one world order or whether it retains its civilizational state. He describes the Anglo-Zionist empire, the decline of Pax Americana, the neo-feudal technocracy, the Trump PSYOP, and more! Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rumble / Substack / YouTube Geopolitics & Empire · Richard Solomon: As West Declines, Will China Fold to Globalism or Retain Civilizational State? #528 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Become a Member Donate Consult…
¡La próxima videollamada grupal de Geopolítica e Imperio (GAE) con suscriptores de pago será este sábado 15 de marzo! Si aún no tienes suscripción de pago, te animo a unirte a través de Substack para ayudar a mantener Geopolítica e Imperio y participar en nuestras reuniones “secretas”. Llamada grupal con suscriptores de pago por Geopolitics & Empire Sabado, 15 de marzo @ 10 am LA / 11am Mexico / 12pm Chicago / 1pm NY Leer en Substack
Titulares y comentarios de esta semana, sólo para suscriptores de pago. Análisis Semanal de Geopolítica e Imperio por Geopolitics & Empire Leer en Substack
This week’s news headlines and commentary, for Paid Subscribers only. GAE’s Weekly Headlines & Commentary by Geopolitics & Empire Read on Substack
The Cognitive Dissidents discuss gold, bitcoin, war, the technocracy, and more! Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin/ Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Cognitive Dissidents: A New Dollar, World Peace (or War) & Dodgy DOGE #8 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Become a Member Donate Consult **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Escape The Technocracy course (15% discount using link) PassVult Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) Wise Wolf Gold Websites Parallel Systems Monica Perez Show About Parallel Mike Parallel Mike…
Ramiro Medina Flores, de We Are Not Zombies (WANZ), habla sobre el globalismo, la erosión de la soberanía nacional, la identidad digital y los retos económicos en México. WANZ es un movimiento que promueve el pensamiento libre y el impacto socioambiental a través de la narración de historias, los proyectos comunitarios y el consumo consciente. La conversación también aborda la influencia de las empresas multinacionales, el aburguesamiento, la migración y el papel de los medios de comunicación alternativos para contrarrestar las narrativas dominantes. Ambos ponentes subrayan la importancia de las economías locales, el activismo de base y el cuestionamiento de…
Titulares y comentarios de esta semana, sólo para suscriptores de pago. Análisis Semanal de Geopolítica e Imperio por Geopolitics & Empire Leer en Substack
This week’s news headlines and commentary, for Paid Subscribers only. GAE’s Weekly Headlines & Commentary by Geopolitics & Empire Read on Substack
Tillman Holloway of discusses all things bitcoin and cryptocurrency, how crypto maxis are most loyal to the coin that’s made them the most money, bitcoin as digital gold, altcoins, investing in cryptocurrency including with his automated software Arch Public, how we’re moving into a world of blockchains and smart contracts, NFTs, memecoins, stablecoins, and how CBDCs are inevitable. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Tillman Holloway: The Future Will Be One of Blockchains, CBDCs, and Cryptocurrencies #527 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Become a Member Donate Consult **Visit…