Author: Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Raw Egg Nationalist discusses the ancient understanding between diet and social control and how food plays a key role in the enslavement as well as the liberation of humanity. The original Great Reset took place during the Agricultural Revolution with a transformation from animal-based agriculture to a plant-based diet. WEF’s Great Reset seeks a global corporate governance where the citizenry once again returns to a meatless diet. Climate Migration will be one of the key ways globalism is advanced. We’ve been on a civilizational trajectory where liberalism has led to the liberation of humankind from itself which is essentially transhumanism.…

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Gilbert Doctorow discusses how the U.S. and Russia are testing each other’s red lines in a bid to avoid Doomsday. Russia felt existentially threatened and thus needed to push back U.S. and NATO presence in Ukraine. The war is also existential for the U.S. Both sides seek to prolong the war. The most depressing thing is that everything Gilbert disliked about the Soviet Union has now moved to the United States. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / PentagonTube Geopolitics & Empire · Gilbert Doctorow: The U.S. & Russia Are Testing Each Other's Red Lines #341 *Support…

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Biotech consultant Christie Laura Grace discusses some of her concerns regarding the biotech space prior to 2019 as well as the global coordination of governments on the pandemic and vaccine mandates. Medicine has reached it’s pinnacle and so Big Pharma wants to take us into biologics (e.g. vaccines, gene therapies). In 2018 the NIH proposed eliminating RAC, the committee on biosafety for RNA and DNA genetic products, which was removed in 2019, followed by Moderna’s patent for RNA being approved in July of 2019. She explains how the Pentagon juice is causing harm and potentially killing people. Watch On BitChute…

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GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood gives us a situation report on the state of the world economy and says we are in the beginning stages of a monetary experiment based on a unipolar system. The exorbitant privilege bestowed to the U.S. and the dollar in that system is now being abused as we shift toward a multipolar world. When inflation begins to occur, people and governments begin to act desperately, and we now have all of the components for global military conflict. In terms of preparing for the fallout on an individual level, he says that owning precious metals is an…

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Professor Steven Starr explains that we are already in WWIII. As the U.S. pushes for an Asian NATO, South Korea and Japan could very quickly become nuclear weapons states. The arms control treaties and safeguards have all but been dismantled and Russia’s response was the creation of hypersonics. He discusses the folly of this idea of “limited nuclear war” via the use of tactical mini-nukes, the concepts of “firebreak” and the “dead hand system”, and how it is that Washington thinks it can win a nuclear war. He also discusses the growing existential threat of an EMP attack. Watch On…

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David Fleming explains the history that led up to the attempt at world control in 2020 via the globally declared public health emergency. Things really started to get weird in the run-up to the pandemic from 2018 onward with Extinction Rebellion, followed by AOC’s Green New Deal seeking to eliminate air travel and hydrocarbons, and then Theresa May signing the UK up to Net Zero in 2019. These were all signs that the plan was being implemented. They are now pushing digital currencies and digital ID. The energy crisis is exacerbated to get us accustomed to UBI. They are now…

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Emmanuel Rincón explains how the biggest threat to the West and the world today is big government. He gives his thoughts on Trump and Bolsonaro and how the right needs to be smarter as they are at a great disadvantage. He looks at the growing left in the Americas and the call for a Latin American Union. We also discuss wokeism (e.g. transgenderism, LGBT-ism) being used as a weapon. He believes we should not lose hope. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / PentagonTube Geopolitics & Empire · Emmanuel Rincón: Our Greatest Threat is the Global Growing…

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Corey Haag discusses the crossroads humanity finds itself at in this global struggle between transhuman dystopia or a world with some semblance of freedom as we’ve been used to. We discuss the construction of parallel societies, building community, local activism, and his Liberty Uncensored newspaper project. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / PentagonTube Geopolitics & Empire · Corey Haag: Humanity is at the Crossroads Between a Free or Dystopian Future #345 *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate a Member a Sponsor **Visit Our Sponsors Above Phone Time Bank https://www.nomos.netBorderless Health Insurance…

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Claudio Grass discusses the global push for the centralization of power (e.g. planet lockdown, metaverse, global government), why it will fail, leaving the system, and why the future is more decentralized. The artificial war in Ukraine is the old agenda (e.g. Mackinder, Brzezinski) that Europe and Eurasia should never come together. He views the East versus West conflict as one giant puppet show. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble Geopolitics & Empire · Claudio Grass: Davos Man Will Fail, World Will Move Toward Decentralization #344 *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate a Member a Sponsor…

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Gabriel Custodiet discusses the intellectual history of the era which spawned the true death of privacy: 1890-1930. He argues that during this time the concepts of the plasticity of man found in Darwinism and liberalism led to the birth of statism and of eugenics, as well as the belief that we have inherited today: that a scientific elite can and should try to solve all of society’s problems. Privacy as an explicit concern arises during this time as a response to growing centralization: centralization being the antithesis of privacy. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble Geopolitics &…

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