Author: Geopolitics & Empire
The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.
Doomberg explains how deep energy scarcity is the root of the chaos we’re witnessing today: war, inflation, currency collapse, food riots, social unrest, etc. Oil and gas are on the decline. The resolution of the Western European energy crisis ahead of the winter of 2022-23 is the single biggest geopolitical event in our lifetimes. The EU and Euro are on the edge of fragmentation. We’re going from a unipolar to a multipolar world which is the biggest trend that is unfolding. Crypto is largely a grift, Bitcoin is just a piece of software, and Doomberg also fears an inescapable CBDC…
Iain Davis discusses the transition process toward global technocratic control which has been planned for many years. The ultimate objective is to introduce a new monetary and financial system. Covid and Ukraine are part of that transition process. According to WEF multipolarity is the foundation for their global compact. The UN now operates as a fusion of the political and corporate state otherwise known as fascism. Genuine geopolitical tensions do exist between elites and countries. CBDCs are the endgame and a significant global economic collapse will be needed to bring them in. The COVID19 pseudo-pandemic is the start of the…
Bob Moriarty discusses Ukraine losing the war and how someone in the military might assassinate Zelensky. WEF is desperate, losing, and will fail. In his 2016 book “Art of Peace” he predicted a collapse of the banking system and the world’s first worldwide revolution which he believes is now just starting. We’re going to have some of the most significant and rapid changes in world history in the upcoming months. The United States is falling into the same trap as the Roman Empire. He discusses strategic relocation and why he ended up in Europe. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon /…
Kim Iversen discusses deplatforming, the culture of free speech, and why she’s hopeful. She talks about not being allowed to interview Fauci at The Hill, ultimately leading to her resignation in order to maintain her integrity. She thinks people are tired of the biosecurity agenda and believes Russia and China have benefited most from the pandemic. U.S. hegemony is on its way out as the new multipolar world comes about. As more people move away from extreme political polarization in America, she worries less about a 2nd Civil War. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / YouTube…
Michael Yon discusses the energy crisis from Germany and how Europeans are looking to freeze this winter. The “flash to bang” is slow, right now there’s plenty of food, but production is in sharp decline. We’re going into global famines which will affect everyone on the planet. These circumstances are all due to government and globalist policies related to climate, migration, etc. The elites are trying to run farmers out of business. They want to make us their cattle and serfs, the complete control of humanity is what they’re shooting for. We’re arguably already in WWIII. Pandemic, war, and famine…
Nick Corbishley discusses his book “Scanned” and gives an overview of the evolution of the Vaccine Passport and how it is morphing into a Digital ID and Social Credit System whose endgame is a Digital Gulag which will demand total obedience from the citizenry. He discusses the creation of a two-tiered or apartheid system where the unvaccinated were dehumanized and ostracized. He discusses the unconstitutional nature of these measures, how little courts have pushed back, and incredibly how the population by and large has gone along with this tyranny. The addition of CBDCs to the Digital Passports creates the perfect…
Journalist Josh Friedman discusses why there was little coverage of Bilderberg this year, being on the ground in Ukraine, travel in the age of corona, reporting on the migrant crisis, and more. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble Geopolitics & Empire · Josh Friedman: Covering Bilderberg, Ukraine, & More in the Age of Corona #306 *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate a Member a Sponsor **Visit Our Sponsors Expat Money Show & Summit https://expatmoney.comNomos Time Bank https://www.nomos.netBorderless Health Insurance Websites Twitter YouTube Free Man Post Nomadic Journalism About Josh…
Gonzalo Lira discusses the collapse of American power and how Washington has decided to pull down the rest of the world instead of accepting a graceful decline. The Russians have the upper-hand in Ukraine and will win the war. The U.S. now wants to pivot to war with Iran and eventually China. If the U.S. feels it is losing, in its hubris and pride it may seek to use nuclear weapons. The European project is over, Europe is dead. He comments on the Western world’s fall into totalitarianism and turn toward the use of population control systems such as social…
Who was the first journalist to cover the lab origins of COVID-19 and point out the eerie similarities to Event 201? Hrvoje Moric of Geopolitics & Empire in a January 23, 2020, interview with biological weapons expert Francis Boyle. The interview has since been wiped from the internet, but Boyle included the transcript in his new book, Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the COVID-19 Mandates Are Criminal. I’ll be interviewing Hrvoje about his early reporting and everything he’s learned since. WATCH HERE
Kurt Schlichter discusses the fall, potential collapse, and possible resurgence of America. The apex of U.S. power was the 1990s where Washington stood militarily unchallenged, but the tables have turned as today Russia and China have become worthy adversaries. Inflation and shortages are symbolic of a deteriorating economy and unprecedented time of decline, which is being accepted by the ruling class. He compares the situation that led to the Yugoslav civil war in the Balkans to what’s going on in America today and the real possibility of a second civil war. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble…