Author: Geopolitics & Empire
The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.
Actuary and researcher Gail Tverberg discusses our energy problems and how we have an ever-growing population coupled with resources which are more and more difficult to extract. She believes “limits to growth” is a better way of looking at this problem as opposed to EROI. At some point the system binds up and that’s what we’re running into right now. The corona shut downs may have been an excuse to shut things down due to the collapsing economy and energy situation. Such a decline in a historical cycle brings revolution, disease, and famine. She worries about semiconductors and the world…
Anton Chaitkin discusses the core issues at stake in America today which center on the age old struggle between the progressive nationalist outlook and Anglo-American imperialists. Without understanding this, you can’t understand global affairs. The imperialists say nations and peoples should not have the power to rise up and become powerful countries using science and commanding nature. The early Americans built and industrialized, FDR and JFK fought against the imperial system. The empire wants forever wars and to take us back to feudalism through de-industrialization. Unless the U.S. returns to its roots, we’ll have WWIII. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon…
Joaquin Flores discusses the Great Reset, how people live in different internets or ‘confirmation bias chambers’, the ‘Gargoyle Effect’, and Marxian analysis. He believes the Great Rest is failing and that many people give more credit than is due to Davos by making them seem more powerful than they really are. Given that people like Klaus Schwab are liars, just because Schwab portends to have penetrated all governments does not make it so. He discusses the concept of empire, sea and land power, the Ukraine crisis, and how it’s largely about energy. He sees roughly five blocs emerging in a…
Brandon Weichert discusses Ukraine and how Russia desires to be its own civilizational state or empire (as opposed to being under Western hegemony). Because of demographics, Moscow doesn’t have much time so Putin is plugging the strategic gaps on his western border now. He believes the threat of escalation is greater now than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He discusses the unconventional and asymmetric threats of cyber and space warfare….the ‘shadow war’. We are not reading the Russian signals very well, they are less afraid of unintended consequences. For Putin, this is his go-for-broke Peter the Great moment. We discuss…
Professor Emeritus David Hendrickson discusses the Ukraine crisis, the unleashing of Weapons of Financial Destruction (WFDs) by Washington, and the coming economic war. He likens what is coming to the spread of coronavirus around the world. The West wants not only to strangle Russia, but also not allow other states (e.g. China, Iran) to avoid future such sanctions on them. The U.S.-China relationship is where it will get hot and heavy, Beijing has extraordinary market power, and has become Moscow’s ‘permanent ally’. He does agree that American Empire is declining, but posits that the power it has to ‘take a…
Johnny Vedmore discusses the CIA roots of the World Economic Forum which began at a Harvard “International Seminar”. It’s focus was to bring Europe and America into supranational union and was originally called the European Management Forum. He believes nuclear war planners like Herman Kahn concluded it would never come to Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) and instead, the threat of thermonuclear war was used to scare populations into advancing elite agendas. He discusses their plan of subverting democracy by training only a certain group in society as potential leaders. Schwab then made the pivot toward the Green Agenda thanks to…
Former Mexican police officer and security specialist Ed Calderon discusses the drug war in México and how it’s strategic location lends itself to continual interventions by the United States (e.g. Mexican presidents as CIA assets). He sees cartel power structures rising up in México and organizing themselves into federations, with some being funded by foreign governments (e.g. China, USA). He thinks America’s influence is declining, especially in México, where China is making inroads (illegally mining iron ore). Lithium is playing an increasing factor. México has become a proxy battleground in the New Cold War. He doesn’t think cartels will be…
Physicist, startup founder, and polymath Steve Hsu discusses the end of the unipolar moment, the return of geopolitics, and the U.S.-China New Cold War. He believes China is not as fragile as some say. We talk Taiwan, how Beijing has caught up in military tech, and how the nature of naval warfare in the next war will be very different. On the technology and AI front, he feels the U.S. and China are at parity, but that the long-term trend is in China’s favor. He feels the social credit system is advancing just as fast in the West as in…
Nathan Carson discusses the overturning of the unipolar status quo by way of military strength by revisionist powers (e.g. Russia, China). After the collapse of the Soviet Union the West unsuccessfully attempted to supersize and globalize the neoliberal international order, and instead we’re looking at the return of history and the last Davos man. The world as we knew the past 30 years is over. Nations are now trying to carve out their own spheres of interest, to find the new equilibrium in the international system. People are trying to find out what this brave new world looks like. The…
Doug Casey talks Great Reset, says we’re in for a tough time, that trends in motion tend to stay in motion, and fears the stage is being set for some authoritarian leader to rise to power. He feels the people who love liberty (e.g. libertarians) are an anomaly or rounding error compared to the rest of society. He gives his thoughts on being an international man in the brave new world where air travel has collapsed and authority has become more digital and centralized. We discuss Ukraine…he believes the Russians are on the right side of all this. The U.S.…