The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.
Past guests have included diplomats, government officials, whistleblowers, soldiers, spies, economists, academics, scientists, wealthy investors, dissidents, journalists, and musicians.
The broadcast seeks to gain insight from guests who come from the left, right, and beyond. It should go without saying that the host does not always agree with beliefs espoused by podcast invitees, but maintains an open mind, and believes it important to respectfully listen to a multitude of voices and let listeners come to their own conclusions.
The host and producer of The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast, Hrvoje Morić, hails from the United States. He was bred between the two worlds of America and his ethnic homeland of Yugoslavia/Croatia, moving back and forth between the two countries. His name literally means “Croat”. He is also a naturalized Mexican, fluent in English/Croato-Serbian/Spanish, and truly a proud citizen of all three nations!
From 2006-2007 he served as a volunteer with Peace Corps in Mongolia, albeit with voluntary early termination he chalks up to being a restless young man.
Looking manly, and doing manly things, with manly Mongolian men.
Enjoying the mind-blowing music of Mongolian rock group Altan Urag.
Hanging out at the 62nd World Health Assembly in 2009 during the fake Swine Flu pandemic.
At a conference across from the UN Geneva, with occult pyramid microphones, in the same building where the offices of UN-affiliated NGO Lucis Trust (Lucifer Publishing Company) are located.
From 2010-2017 he was a Secondary Humanities teacher and adjunct professor of International Relations at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in México.
Brainstorming EdTech.
In 2017, under the auspices of Sharon Tennison’s “Center for Citizen Initiatives” and together with 30 other American “citizen diplomats”, he visited Russia for three weeks and met with academics, businessmen, citizens, and politicians, including former president Mikhail Gorbachev, to discuss U.S.-Russia relations with the hope of bringing the Russian people’s desire for peace to the attention of U.S. citizens and policy makers in Washington in the hopes of staving off Armageddon.
Shaking hands with the last president of the USSR.
From 2017-2021 he returned to the steppes as a Global Perspectives teacher at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Semey, Kazakhstan.
History of Geopolitics & Empire
The genesis and origins of what became Geopolitics & Empire began in 2012. As an adjunct professor of International Relations in México, Hrvoje was always brainstorming ways to improve his courses through technology and cutting-edge teaching methods. He also greatly desired to speak with and learn from great minds.
One day he decided to start contacting experts, to Skype into the classroom, connecting students with prominent people from their field of study and providing them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rub virtual shoulders with top thinkers.
Some of these experts included Lord Christopher Monckton, Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, James Bamford, CIA Officer Ray McGovern, Robert “Father of the North American Union” Pastor, and John Perkins.
In ragtag fashion and flying by the seat of his pants, he created a YouTube channel he called “Dissident Thinker” where he simply uploaded the poorly edited guest interviews.
As his technical skills improved, he was flabbergasted at the continued opportunity he had to be able to converse with some of his favorite academics and analysts. Thus he set out to attempt and create a proper podcast in June of 2015 by founding The Guadalajara Geopolitics Podcast, which eventually became The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast.
Listenership has steadily grown over the years as Geopolitics & Empire has acquired a global audience, hailing from all four corners of the earth. It has become a seminal podcast, on occasion breaking stories and events ahead of time.
In January of 2020 Geopolitics & Empire was the first to interview the author of the Biological Weapons Convention, Dr. Francis Boyle, who was of the belief that coronavirus was an offensive biological warfare weapon having leaked out of the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan, China. That interview went absolutely viral on YouTube, hitting 300,000+ views before being taken down by Google. It lived on, being re-uploaded and discussed by media.
A year later, in February of 2021, the Associated Press in conjunction with NATO (Atlantic Council), wrote a hit-piece on Francis Boyle mentioning The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast. That same week, Geopolitics & Empire’s Patreon account was terminated.
In the Field
Through the years, Hrvoje has been incredibly lucky to meet many of the prominent people he’s interviewed.
Hrvoje had been a volunteer editor for Unfiltered News, the newsletter run by famed “Creature From Jekyll Island” author G. Edward Griffin. While
Hrvoje was passing through Los Angeles, Ed took him out for lunch, what an honor!
At the California Pizza Kitchen with Ed!
In 2016, former Goldman Sachs and Bear Sterns managing director turned best-selling author Nomi Prins was passing through México and he organized a talk with her at the university.
Hanging out with Nomi.
Estulin showing Morić the secrets of the universe.
In that same year, he flew Daniel Estulin into town for a few conferences organized by himself and students. Daniel is a former Russian FSB officer, bestselling author (e.g. True Story of the Bilderberg Group), award-winning journalist, and formerly host of the #1 show on RT en Español, Desde La Sombra.
While in Kazakhstan, Hrvoje brought Sayasat Nurbek back to his hometown of Semey to do an interview and give a talk to Kazakhstan’s best and
Trying my best to look Kazakh.
Hoping these Soviet Afghan veterans don’t mistake me for Al-Qaeda.
Going for a morning walk in the Polygon, the USSR’s principle nuclear test site.
Schmoozing with Michael Rectenwald at the American Freedom Allliance in L.A. 2023!
Discussing the evil schemes of the World Homicide Organization (WHO) with Dr. Rima Laibow!
Dinner with Col. Douglas Macgregor at a VIP event!
Meeting the one and only Ron Paul at RPI's "Nihilism & War on Truth" conference!
Hanging out with David Avocado Wolfe at Anarchapulco day ever!
Chilling with Brad Skistimas of Five Times August at Anarchapulco 2024!