Browsing: COVID1984
Fadi Lama discusses his fantastic book “Why the West Can’t Win” and the Money Powers that rule the world. He…
Karen Kingston discusses a new lawsuit charging Pfizer with conspiracy to commit fraud and unconscionable acts related to its mRNA…
Teace Snyder discusses film-making and his movie Hold Me which deals with euthanasia. The medical system is built as a…
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the ever widening war and the insanity of the West which seems to be provoking…
Mathew Crawford discusses his research into Covid-19 and bacteriological warfare, his discovery how some in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM)…
David Hughes discusses his fantastic book which breaks down how Operation Covid was really a ruse to usher in a…
Attorney and author Mark Oshinskie discusses his book Dispatches From A Scamdemic, how he saw through the ruse from the…
Nick Corbishley discusses the most important issue of our day: the deployment of digital identity programs which by their own…
Jobst Landgrebe explains why Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will NEVER be possible and why Skynet won’t become self-aware! We have…
James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become an oppressive…