Author: Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

ECFR Director Mark Leonard discusses his new book “Age of Unpeace” and why having an open, globalized, “one-world” of connectivity is actually the source of problems today and how issues that bring us together (e.g. internet, migration, economy, health, climate) are being weaponized and providing new platforms for countries to hurt each other. The three empires of connectivity (U.S., China, EU) will define the new global order which in turn will impact the “fourth world”. He examines the U.S.-China relationship and how they are becoming ‘mimetic doubles’ of each other and converging, with the threat of the West becoming more…

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Alex Krainer discusses how Afghanistan signals the American Empire’s loss of hegemony over Mackinder’s “World Island” and everywhere else (e.g. Ukraine, Syria, Iraq), the game is up. He believes that Beijing had initially been propped up by Western elites, but given the recent turn against China by George Soros and Co., the CCP mislead and is now abandoning the global elites. They have not forgotten the Century of Humiliation. The economic fallout of U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan could mean equity and bond bubbles bursting, upward pressure on commodity prices, and high rates of inflation in the American financial system. He…

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IR scholar Artyom Lukin talks about Climate Change in Russia and how the decline of American hegemony has become a moot point as the real question is what will replace it. He believes we are entering a prolonged period of US-China bipolarity with Russia as a second tier power, and the potential for a multipolar world down the road. The difficulty in analyzing Beijing is that China is completely non-transparent to outside observers, a “black box”. No one, including the Russians, really understands what China wants. He also discusses why he and others think the world has entered an era…

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EvoCapital CEO, macro specialist, and geopolitics commentator Nicholas Glinsman covers the waterfront. He touches on Latin America and how it’s sold itself to China, vaccine logistics, how the vaccine passport is the social credit system, and how he thinks governments may not let go of the emergency public health powers they’ve awarded themselves. He gives his thoughts on the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, and how the U.S. could maintain its financial weapon of mass destruction (dollar as world reserve). He discusses the Biden administration, Biden’s propensity to “f-things up” (according to Obama), the Afghan debacle, and the midterm…

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Highly-respected researcher, writer, and speaker on Africa Lawrence Freeman discusses how a financial-political elite or oligarchy see the continent for its material resources and financial gain and attempt to exploit African nations through international finance, using divide and conquer and war and chaos to keep nations weak. It’s hard to say that Africa has any sovereign nations and that at best, some only have partial sovereignty. He considers manufacturing and infrastructure the key components in ensuring a nation’s prosperity, precisely what has been denied Africa. The lack of electricity, high-speed rail, and hospitals in Africa is killing people. He covers…

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Behavioral scientist and former Cambridge Analytica Lead Psychologist Patrick Fagan discusses his grave fears surrounding the so-called “vaccine passports” being emitted by governments around the world (e.g. EU “Digital Covid Certificate”, Israel’s “Green Pass”), which he says could lead to years of oppression. He examines the manipulation of the public by governments over the past year. He comments on whether the digital passport is essentially the Chinese-style “Social Credit System” and how all of these threads of total tracking and data collection are coming together to allow the state to become omniscient and omnipotent. *Support/Donate to Geopolitics & Empire: Patreon…

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Matthew Ehret discusses his new book “Clash of the Two Americas: Unfinished Symphony (1776-1901)” and how the struggles facing the U.S. republic/empire today are nothing new. The same British imperial, oligarchic, and (proto) deep state interests were present from the start of the American/French revolutions and founding of Canada. He describes how the republican nationalist tradition was the first time in history a system of government was formed with the possibility of being wielded against global empire. Finally, he explains how the new imperial grand strategy has become neo-Malthusian and eugenicist (e.g. “limits to growth”) with the purpose of creating…

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Former US Marine and geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic discusses how he was awakened to the true nature of US foreign policy and Military-Industrial-Complex. He gives his global macro geopolitical view on the New Cold War struggle between the East (e.g. Russia, China) and West (e.g. US, EU). He sees China as surpassing the US and the end of generations of Western hegemony. He breaks down how the US uses Color Revolutions or “democracy promotion” as outright regime change and looks at what’s happening in Myanmar as an example. He believes the West is attempting to recreate the Arab Spring in…

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UI Media Network founder Tim Ray discusses the tyranny enveloping the globe, something he says he has been expecting for decades. He gives his take on the global elites, their machinations, and the courage required to resist them and the totalitarian policies they are attempting to implement. He fears a true catastrophic crisis may be just around the corner, which will be a catalyst for even more draconian restrictions. He talks about his struggles with censorship and why he thinks people have a hard time psychologically coming to terms with our dark reality. Finally, he shares some solutions. *Support/Donate to…

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Gordon Hahn discusses what he calls the New East-West Cold War or Russia-West Tinderbox, which can potentially escalate into a WWIII scenario. He examines the key drivers between the Russia-West divide which is primarily EU/NATO expansion (e.g. Belarus, Ukraine, Donbass), a situation that will continue to fester and could explode at any moment unless it is resolved. He comments on China’s rise as a global hegemon and believes Russia and China will make Afghan inroads as the U.S. withdraws and the Taliban likely come to power. Finally, he looks at the “authoritarian-ization” or “Putin-ization” of America, where neo-liberals, leftists, and…

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