Author: Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Geopolitics & Empire · Tom Luongo: Has The Deep State Defeated Trump In Syria? #079 Geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo discusses the recent US strikes in Syria and whether President Trump has effectively been neutered by the Deep State and Military-Industrial-Complex. Also, is Trump in control of his own Twitter account and will he succeed in North Korea? Show Notes ‘The Goal for China is to Open Up the Yuan Trade’ – Tom Luongo on Sputnik News The Neocons’ Real Plan for Syria Emerges from the Lack of Rubble Trump is Done, Mattis Won, Thank the Gods Will Trump and…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Christian Costamagna: The ‘Special War’ Doctrine to Destroy Yugoslavia #78 Dr. Christian Costamagna brings to light new research on the Yugoslav “Special War” describing the foreign interference and destabilization of Yugoslavia in the 1980s which exacerbated the existing internal crises and led to the bloodiest war in Europe since WWII. Show Notes Archival Documents Reveal Late-Yugoslav Strategic Thinking on the ‘Special War’ OSS, CIA and European unity: The American committee on United Europe, 1948-60 Website About Christian Costamagna Dr. Christian Costamagna is an Italian scholar specialized in the history of the Balkans…

Read More Former U.S. diplomat Jim Jatras discusses President Trump’s rush to war in Syria, the false flag chemical attacks warned about by Russia, Putin’s options in case of U.S. strikes, and the real geopolitical game being played in the Middle East which can lead to fatal escalation. Transcript G&E Podcast:                     We are speaking with analyst, former U.S. diplomat and foreign policy advisor to the Senate GOP leadership, Jim Jatras. We will be discussing the U.S.-Russia tango in Syria. Let’s start with Russia. First it was U.S. election meddling, then Olympics sports doping, then the Russian media acting as foreign agent,…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Chris Devonshire-Ellis: China’s Silk Road & Eurasian Game #076 Chris Devonshire-Ellis provides insight into the Belt and Road based on extensive travel in the region and sees China as spreading peace through trade. Show Notes The Belt and Road: Five Opportunities for Foreign Investors Belt and Road Initiative Ushering in New Trade, Logistics, Blockchain, and 5G Technologies Venezuela to Pay Russia With Own Cryptocurrency for Automotive Parts China’s ‘petro-yuan’: The end of the dollar hegemony? NSA Monitors Financial World Website Books China’s New Economic Silk Road: The Great Eurasian…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Edward Curtin: False Flag Operations Will Start New War #075 Professor of Sociology Edward Curtin discusses the attempts by the US, Britain, NATO and Israel to create false pretexts for an invasion of Syria and war with Russia. He discusses how the Deep State has concocted RussiaGate and how media and propaganda make it difficult to tell fact from fiction. Transcript G&E Podcast: We are speaking with Professor Edward Curtin, who teaches sociology at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. He has been writing on the precarious situation the world finds itself in, regarding the potential…

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Analyst Richard Heydarian explains President Rodrigo Duterte’s rise to power and the geopolitics and foreign policy of the Philippines as it struggles to find its way between a military alliance with the United States and its economic integration with China and the New Silk Road, all in the shadow of the ongoing South China Sea crisis. Show Notes How fear and paranoia about China’s rise breathed new life into the ‘Quad’ – at Asean’s expense China nearly done militarizing South China Sea Duterte to China: ‘If You Want, Just Make Us a Province’ Rodrigo Duterte Is Key…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Rupert Darwall: Radical Environmentalism and the Climate Deep State #073 Author Rupert Darwall discusses the totalitarian roots of radical environmentalism and the “Climate-Industrial-Complex” or “Climate Deep State” composed of NGOs, government agencies, oligarchs, academia and green technology companies. He explains how the climate change movement began as a political agenda with roots in Nazi Germany and 1970s Swedish technocracy and that renewable energy cannot feasibly replace carbon energy sources. Show Notes Renewables have brought rising costs, unreliability and puny results Green Ideology’s Failed Experiment Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Marc Faber: Markets, Petroyuan, and World War #072 Renown Swiss investor and publisher of “The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report” Dr. Marc Faber discusses the global markets, housing and bond bubbles, central bank manipulation, gold, Trump, the petroyuan, the New Silk Road and what a potential conflict between the U.S. and China might look like as old empires die and new ones are born. Show Notes Financial insiders contemplate “imminent” 2018 US stock market crash of up to “50%” Trump’s $4.4T budget would move U.S. deficits sharply higher Real Estate Bubbles: The 8 Global Cities…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Jefferson Morley: James Angleton and the Birth of the American Deep State #071 Washington author and veteran journalist Jefferson Morley discusses his latest book on CIA Director James Angleton who was one of the founders of what is known as the American “Deep State”. Show Notes 5 of the Most Important JFK Files the CIA Is Still Hiding Sure, #ReleaseTheMemo—Along With All of the Underlying Documentation The New JFK Files Reveal How the CIA Tracked Oswald Websites Books About Jefferson Morley Jefferson Morley is a Washington author and…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Gideon Levy: Israel, Palestine and American Empire: #070 Author and journalist Gideon Levy discusses Israeli politics, the fate of Palestine and the role of American empire in the Middle East. Show Notes Netanyahu’s son caught on secret recordings outside strip club talking about major energy deal Abbas Is Right. Why Does Israel Keep Saying He’s Wrong? Gideon Levy: Does unconditional support for Israel endanger Israeli voices? Gideon Levy: Americans “Are Supporting the First Signs of Fascism in Israel” Website Books About Gideon Levy Gideon Levy is a Haaretz columnist and…

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