Author: Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Geopolitics & Empire · Allan Gotlieb: North American Politics and Integration #031 Retired Canadian Ambassador Allan Gotlieb discusses Canadian foreign policy in the shadow of U.S. foreign policy since 9/11. He reveals his thoughts on the progression of the North American idea and community or as Parag Khanna recently described it in the New York Times, “an emerging North American Union”. He also provides his analysis of the Canadian oil sands and Keystone XL Pipeline. Finally, he offers advice to future political scientists and diplomats. Websites About Allan Gotlieb A former Canadian ambassador to the United…

Read More Award-winning journalist Russ Baker discusses the Deep State, the life and death of John F. Kennedy, U.S. elections, journalism and To learn more about deep politics and international affairs, go to: Websites About Russ Baker Russ Baker’s career has been about one thing: finding out what really happened—or the truth of what is currently unfolding—and presenting it to the public in a compelling, entertaining, thoughtful manner. In his reporting and writing he brings the best of mainstream methods (balance and rigor) to the alternative media, and the best of the alternative media (passion for…

Read More We speak with Daniel Estulin about ISIS and how it is used as an instrument by the Anglo-American empire. We also discuss his latest take on Syria, Bilderberg, the economy and the media as well as his new Bilderberg documentary. Websites Books & Film About Daniel Estulin Daniel Estulin is the ex-host of RT’s #1 rated TV show Desde la Sombra, award-winning journalist, Bilderberg Group investigator, author and public speaker. *Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: (available on iTunes…

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“Los gobiernos son títeres de la élite financiera mundial y el que no lo quiera ver que no lo vea”, ha declarado el escritor, investigador y orador ruso Daniel Estulin, quien la próxima semana visita el país y dará dos conferencias en Guadalajara, el 14 de marzo. El candidato al Premio Nobel de la Paz y al Premio Pulitzer recibirá, del Club de Periodistas de México AC, el Premio Internacional de Periodismo el 16 de marzo, a la vez que también se reunirá con estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), por lo que el maestro de Humanidades…

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Dr. Filip Kovačević discusses the latest news on NATO’s progress in Montenegro, how 2016 will be an important election year in the Balkans and for the United Nations, which will select a new Secretary-General. His thesis is that the new appointment may come from the Balkans and that China has a big role to play in the decision-making process. We also discuss Newsbud and the Kickstarter launched by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds hoping to start a new, vibrant and independent news media organization. Websites Books About Filip Kovačević Filip Kovačević is a geopolitical author, university…

Read More Nomi Prins discusses the next global financial crisis, what she foresees for the economy in 2016 and talks about her upcoming book “The Artisans of Money” which will surely be another best-seller. Show Notes The Mexican Financial System is at Risk (Nomi Prins Interview) Websites Books About Nomi Prins Nomi Prins is a renowned journalist, author and speaker. She is currently at work on a new book, Artisans of Money, that will explore the recent rise of the role of central banks in the global financial and economic hierarchy. Her last book, All the Presidents’ Bankers, is…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Morris Berman: The American Way of Life, The Mexican Way of Life #026 Morris Berman fields questions from Mexican university students. What used to be the American way of life? What is the “hustler” mentality? How will the American Empire transition? What does he think of people who deny the decline of American Empire? Why is the American Dream elusive or a lie? How should American leaders handle the decline of empire? Why is Donald Trump so popular? Why does he think Hillary Clinton will win the election? How does Dr. Berman define traditional Mexican culture?…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Jeff J. Brown: China Rising and the Project for a New Eurasian Century #025 Jeff J. Brown discusses his new book China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations and the True Face of Asia’s Enigmatic Colossus. Why is China so interesting? What is the Great Western Firewall? How is the Amerian Empire’s decline enabling China’s rise? What is the Project for a New Eurasian Century? What does the world have to fear from a new Chinese Empire? Websites SoundCloud – 44 Days Stitcher – 44 Days About Jeff J. Brown Jeff J. Brown is a…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Gerald Celente: The Start Of World War 3, Can We Stop It? #024 Gerald Celente discusses the current geopolitical situation between the U.S. and Russia in the Middle East and the birth pangs of World War 3. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently stated that the Turkish attack on a Russian jet and subsequent assassination of the Russian pilots would have started a war a century ago. Gerald Celente began the Occupy Peace movement and says an irate minority has the real potential to stop the Last World War from occurring. Show Notes War Is On…

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Geopolitics & Empire · Drew Chapman: The King Of Fear, Hollywood And Geopolitics #023 Drew Chapman discusses his work creating geopolitical fiction as a television writer, producer and novelist. He talks about his writing process, a minor incident with the Chinese government while blogging, the connection between Hollywood and the US Government and how the digital media revolution might affect traditional content such as physical books and television media versus eBooks and online media (e.g. YouTube, podcasts). He also gives advice for future writers and film producers. Websites Books About Drew Chapman Drew Chapman was born…

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