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Nikola Mikovic discusses what he considers to be Putin’s “Emperor Has No Clothes” moment in…
LUNP speaks with Hrvoje Moric about global events and Freedom.
Alexandra Marshall Live features exclusive international guests, bringing world affairs to your home. Watch ‘Alexandra…
David Skripac returns to discusses the road toward global digital neofeudalism. He provides some historical…
David Haggith discusses the state of the economy, inflation, the Fed, and the stealth recession…
Jeremy Ryan Slate returns to give us a deep dive on the Roman Empire. He…
Hrvoje Moric is a former professor and historian. He is behind the awesome podcast, Geopolitics…
“War is a massacre of people who don’t know each other for the profit of…
Maryann Gebauer discusses how she inadvertently ended up escaping Canada for Costa Rica during COVID1984,…