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Hrvoje Moric of stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone…
Tesstamona discusses her music, the Algorithm Ghetto, our technetronic fate, staying human, and breaking out…
Peter Duke discusses his fascinating background, who he thinks rules the world, and how they…
Gabe of Libre Solutions Network and Mathew Crawford discuss all things bitcoin and how it…
Hrvoje covers a lot of ground in his podcast, focusing mostly on politics, current affairs…
Christopher Mott discusses realism in International Relations, the American Empire, and how the U.S. has…
Guy Mettan discusses the deep thousand year history of Russophobia which informs the current Ukraine crisis. Europe had divided in two…
French intellectual Thierry Meyssan discusses Ukraine and the end of the unipolar moment. Since the collapse of the USSR, Washington has…
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses US-Russia tensions and corona tyranny. He doesn’t see how events in Kazakhstan could’ve been anything else…
Scientist Denis Rancourt returns to discuss his new paper which demonstrates that a pandemic did not occur. Whereas in some countries…
Maryann Gebauer discusses how she inadvertently ended up escaping Canada for Costa Rica during COVID1984,…