Lifting the Veil on Russia’s SMO in Ukraine: Is Putin’s Response to NATO’s Provocations a Potemkin Village?August 14, 2024
Podcast Jobst Landgrebe: The Trend Toward Repressive Rule, To What Extent Can It Work?By Geopolitics & EmpireOctober 11, 20240 Jobst Landgrebe discusses the direction of modern society and government toward repressive rule and control and how far it might…
Podcast Joe Allen: Are Demon-Invoking Gnostic Esotericists Behind All of Our Woes?By Geopolitics & EmpireJune 1, 20240 Joe Allen discusses his book Dark Aeon and how he thinks that this idea of gnosticism as the all-encompassing boogeyman…
Podcast Level9News: DARPA, AI & Emerging Government TechBy Geopolitics & EmpireOctober 23, 20150 Geopolitics & Empire · Level9News: DARPA, AI And Government Tech#017 DJ of Level9News discusses DARPA and the different cutting-edge technologies…