Dutch activist Willem Engel has proven to be such a thorn in the side of the government that they have arrested him twice in a week. He’s been pushing hard against tyranny, mandates, and the illegitimate Covid restrictions. He’s awaiting trial for “sedition” but is optimistic that he will win because the allegation is so outlandish. The WEF directly instructs ministers, but the layer behind it is even more sinister. The consultancy firms (e.g. McKinsey, Accenture) is where the power is. They write the laws and the civil servants implement them. He thinks things will get worse and we’ll go into lockdown again in the autumn. Social media and intelligence agencies are very intertwined so we have to be smart about how we use it. It’s important to take care of yourself, love your family, form communities, and couple these communities. We need to embody the values of love, truth, and freedom which can go viral.
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Willem Engel Websites
Viruswaarheid (Virus Truth) https://viruswaarheid.nl
Viruswaarheid Twitter https://twitter.com/viruswaarheid
Willem Engel Twitter https://twitter.com/dancalegria
About Willem Engel & Viruswaarheid
Willem Engel has made a scientific career as a Bio Pharmaceutical scientist after graduating from Leiden University in 2001. [1] In 2008 he left the world of science. Since then he has been teaching dance in his own studio DA Dance Studio in Rotterdam.
Mr. Jeroen S. Pols graduated in 2003 with a specialization in criminal law. Since then he has mainly conducted administrative and civil proceedings. For the past 17 years, he has litigated against governments that are not so careful with laws and regulations.
The numerous procedures surrounding the RIECs have attracted regular attention in recent years. The focus of the proceedings is on the unlawfulness of the integrated approach, in which the cooperating authorities structurally set aside legislation and regulations and violate civil rights.
*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)