Author: Geopolitics & Empire

The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Michael Rectenwald returns to discuss the ESG Index or “woke capitalism” as a selection mechanism or demarcation device to delineate which businesses are onboard with The Great Reset and punish those who are not compliant. It is effectively a Social Credit System for companies, feeding investments toward the compliant while starving dissident firms, competition, and industries. This sets up the possibility for doing to companies what is being done to individuals in Canada right now, de-banking them and freezing their assets, and is totalitarian in nature. This global government combines the worst of both systems (capitalism and communism). We discuss…

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Tessa Lena discusses her foray into writing about The Great Reset via her popular Substack which is also featured on prominent websites such as She never imagined the dystopian future would come so soon. In an attempt to explain what’s going on today, she examines the Great Resets of the past, from Russian serfdom, to the Russian Revolution (Lenin’s “Great Reset”), and growing up during the collapse of the Soviet Union. She talks about “disease blackmail” and how she’s skeptical on putting much weight on “isms”, but the ideology of Davos communism is what the Bolsheviks were using. She…

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James Corbett discusses where his head is at after all these years of doing what he’s been doing and what’s most pressing on his mind at the moment. He agrees that the COVID1984 biosecurity state is one of the central problems facing humanity today. The Digital ID system is being implemented in the very near-term and will then be forwarded through social credit scores and CBDCs. James warns against hopium and that although we’ve won some battles, we are not winning the war. He discusses how he views the elite global power structure and their visions of the future such…

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Ron Unz provides his analysis on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. He discusses the possibility of it being deliberate biowarfare by the United States against China and Iran, given it appeared at the peak of America’s global confrontation with China. As a moderately lethal but highly contagious pathogen, it was designed to be an “anti-economy” bioweapon, and the national security state apparatus which carried out the attack likely believed there would be minimal blowback. Watch On BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / YouTube Geopolitics & Empire ยท Ron Unz: COVID-19 Was an 'Anti-Economy' Bioweapon by the U.S.…

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Jeff Nyquist discusses the work of KGB defectors such as Anatoly Golitsyn and Yuri Bezmenov who warned that the Communists in the East (e.g. Russia and China) were playing a strategic long-game against the West, where they would feign collapse, and ultimately come back to destroy Europe and the United States. The 1920s Soviet counter-intelligence Operation Trust was an early example of this. The Sino-Soviet split had been faked. The Soviets had infiltrated the major opposing intelligence services and fed them false information. 94% of Golitsyn’s predictions came true, including his forecast that China and Russia would emerge stronger than…

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