Author: Geopolitics & Empire
The Geopolitics & Empire podcast and website analyzes current events and conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.
Dear Friends, Its been quiet at GGi because we’ve been on vacation, but we’re back. We have a few interviews already recorded that need to be edited and uploaded as well as a few interviews already scheduled, so please be patient! Meanwhile, I was a guest on James Guzman’s Borderless Podcast which you can check out here: Episode 38: Guadalajara Geopolitics with Hrvoje Morić Related Links 9 Essential Podcasts for Borderless Living
In this episode we talk to Hrvoje Moric, a professor at Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey and host of the Guadalajara Geopolitics Podcast. Show Page
Geopolitics & Empire · Xander Dal Riata: Overview of Global Geopolitical Crises #009 Former US Marine and IT Specialist Xander Dal Riata discusses Information Warfare, the Pentagon strategy of “Full Spectrum Dominance”, US foreign policy, the troubles of the American Empire and the global positioning of China. We also discuss a number of other current events and global crises and a few things people should do to better prepare. About the Guest FSD was created by Xander Dal Riata, a disabled veteran of the United States Marine Corps – to provide a focus outlet during his re-cooperation from severe injuries… Dr. Filip Kovačević and I discuss the current geopolitics of the Balkans, the strategy of US-NATO-EU towards the region and we examine country by country, including Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia, how they are managing to keep the former Yugoslavia under their control. Sparks of resistance do exist in the Greek Syriza as well as one anti-imperialist Croatian former presidential candidate who came out of nowhere and won 16.5% of the vote. About the Guest Filip Kovačević is a geopolitical author, university professor and the chairman of the Movement for Neutrality of Montenegro. He received his BA and…
Geopolitics & Empire · John Rubino: The Dollar Collapse and the Money Bubble #007 John Rubino discusses the premise of his last two books “The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It” and “The Money Bubble” The U.S. and global economy are fundamentally unsound and a new and greater crisis awaits. Greece is the tip of the iceberg and people need to educate themselves. About the Guest is managed by John Rubino, co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Money Bubble (DollarCollapse Press, 2014) and The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday,… Dr. Daniele Ganser speaks with the class about his background and the story behind his seminal work “NATO’s Secret Armies” which the CIA even cites on its own website! He also discusses the use of “false flag military operations,” the use of propaganda as well as peace research with his Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER). About the Guest Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser is a Swiss historian who specializes in contemporary history since 1945 and International Politics. His research topics are peace research, geo-strategy, covert warfare, resource wars and economic policy. He teaches at the University of… We speak to Dr. Peter Dale Scott on his latest book, “American War Machine.” We discuss the politically correct atmosphere in education, CIA drug trafficking, assassination, deep politics and the drug war in Mexico. About the Guest Peter Dale Scott is a Canadian-born poet, former diplomat, and former English professor at the University of California, Berkeley. A son of the Canadian poet and constitutional lawyer F. R. Scott and painter Marian Dale Scott, he has been critical of American foreign policy since the era of the Vietnam War. Scott was a signatory in 1968 of the “Writers and Editors… A discussion with risk consultant, geopolitical expert and best-selling author William Engdahl regarding his trip to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and what he calls “The Birth of the New Russia.” About the Guest F. William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics—the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography—have been translated into 14 foreign languages from Chinese to French, from German to Japanese. William Engdahl Websites… Guillermo Barba and I discuss the Austrian School of Economics, its presence (or lack theoreof) in México. We also touch briefly on his view of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), his latest interviews with experts such as Jim Rogers and Mish Shedlock, how the coming crisis might affect México and his words of wisdom for the next generation. About the Guest Guilerrmo Barba is an Austrian Economist and Mexican journalist. He is the author of the Global Financial Intelligence blog, an expert on the precious metals market and television commentator on “Proyecto 40.” Guilermo Barba Websites… From the Archive *Before the Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute Podcast officially began, I had conducted previous interviews in the classroom. They will eventually be re-posted here. About the Interview William Engdahl discusses the politics and the danger of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their use as a weapon by the US Government and private interests. The main points covered: • Rockefeller Foundation funded the Nazi eugenics program (a discredited pseudo-science). *Side note: Germany in some areas actually copied the California model • Rockefeller, Dupont, Colgate developed the eugenics or genetics program, which underlies the GMO program. • Nothing good can…